Kim Kardashian's App Is A Guide To Fame

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood
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Kim K's virtual reality app is expected to make up to $200 million in annual revenue.

The Kim Kardashian: Hollywood app has been consistently popular on iTunes and Google Play and is currently the third highest ranked free app on the Apple App Store. With this App, Kim shows players on how to gain fame and fortune and become the ultimate A-lister with her voiceover as a guide, giving practical advice such as “dating famous people will get you more fans too.”

While you might seem a little reluctant to accept any kind of advice from the Kash, it's hard to ignore an app that could make $200 million, making it one of her most profitable projects yet. Kim's not the only one benefiting from the app's success – game creator Glu Mobile has seen a 42% rise in shares since the game's release in June.

While it looks like Kim is happy to bask in the new attention her app has brought for a little while longer, we can't help but wonder what ridiculous idea she'll come up with next.

You can download Kim's app for free on Google Play or iTunes.

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