Do you even story?
It could have been so much more! It could have been so much better! However, it was horrifically destroyed by a lack of creativity. Yes, I’m talking about 'Destiny. Now, before you organise an army of pitchfork wielding gamers to storm my doors, just sit back and read what I have to say and you will understand what I’m attempting to convey. For a game that prided itself in its immersive universe, it is almost impossible to feel a part of it when the scriptwriters fail as vigorously as they did in this game.

Besides that, the next best feature 'Destiny' has to offer is their armour and weapons. They are stunning. Honestly, that was to be expected from the designers of the 'Halo' armour and worlds. The attention to detail is spot on. With a large variety of class based armour sets and the ability to customise the colour to your specific tastes, you can create your perfect sci-fi fantasy guardian. Not only was the armour crafted expertly, but so were the weapons. With inspirations taken from real world weapons, and creations in the 'Halo' universe, the Bungie team moulded concoctions of mass-amazement. The satisfaction when loot a brand new and powerful gun fills you with this evil joy and an insatiable urge to mass slaughter everything you encounter. However that trivial enjoyment wears off rather quickly.

Now, we come to the part where we take a shredder to the game. Although it only has one major problem, which is the worst issue any video game could execute: the story was rancid to say the least. What annoys my brain, is the fact that the story for 'Halo' was fantastic, so I have no clue has to what they did to destroy 'Destiny' as much as they did. Maybe it was new script writers or maybe it was the fact that Bungie didn’t prioritise correctly with this game. If they wrote the story like they wrote 'Halo's then this game could be almost faultless. But alas, it was ruined.
The creativity and dialogue were feral to say the least. For example: “the darkness is coming. We will not survive it this time,” and “until it gets its voice, I am the one who speaks for the traveller.” I’m sorry but this is dreadful. I know that the average person could create a better story than this, even if they were half asleep and on a morphine drip. Harsh, but true. Bungie, you are the creators of one of the most popular series of games in the world and you couldn’t write something better than that? I am ashamed.
To sum this all up, Bungie focused too much on making their worlds and customisation perfect while giving up attention to the vital point of the video game. The story makes everything. It brings the player into the world, it makes us cry with the characters. It allows us to feel what they are feeling. That is what video games are for, not just entertainment, but like a great novel! It is meant to take us away from the troubles of our lives and drop us into the story of the character we are playing. It is an art form; there is no conceivable way to take shortcuts when creating art.