Sean Baxter - scenestr of the day

Sean Baxter
What do you do?
I am the Victorian State Ambassador for Reserve Brands for Diageo, Australia. Essentially I host spirit seminars, represent the brands in trade and have a hell of a lot of fun in the process.

Why do you do it?
Because I love whisky and love teaching people how to drink it. I also love tequila, vodka, gin and rum. I don’t like to discriminate.

What do you love about the city you live in?
I love this time of year when Spring hits and all the Melbournians flood every roof top bar looking for sunlight. It’s as close as I can get to Europe without having to speak another language.

Where did you go for your last holiday?
Visited Hobart and spent some time checking out wineries, and distilleries and breweries. Now that was a good weekend!

What's your favourite item of clothing? Why?
My custom made dinner jacket. It was always a dream of mine that if I owned one I had ‘made it’ in some way. Totally untrue, but I love the way it hides my gut. The man who made it is a magician, not a tailor.

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
Monkey Magic. I used to chase around my brother with a broom handle painted black doing the finger thing to call the cloud down. When it didn’t turn up I would just belt him with it. He hated Monkey Magic.

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
Paris in the 1920s seemed like a pretty amazing time. Otherwise I would just go back to when I was chasing my brother around and record it on my iPhone and put it on Youtube and make a few thousand. I can remember finding it pretty funny. My brother didn’t as much.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook for us?
Well, if it’s the Scenestr crew, these aren’t just normal people. I would have to individually profile you all and come up with some amazing combination you couldn’t possibly expect. The last office meal I remember was a toastie cooked by Marc Grimwade so I know that expectations are not too high.

What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
You can never be over-dressed.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
Sure, I'll tell you my most intimate secret and then you can just publish it online to millions of people. That’s about your readership these days, I’m assuming?

Are you happy with your work/life balance?
Thinking about the last time I had a holiday, I realise I need to take another one. To Italy with my girlfriend. Immediately.

How do you define success?
When I get paid to do what I love, I feel that’s a measure of success in life. (And I mean really love. Not all that crap that people go on about when they say they love their job and all they do is file tax returns.)

What's your spirit animal?
A Yeast strain that makes the greatest beer on earth.

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