Owner, operator of Biggies at Bertram in Adelaide.
Why do you do it?
Happy, sad, celebrating or commiserating people have and will always drink alcohol. I figured why not make a living out of my biggest expense. Plus I love to party.
What do you love about the city you live in?
It’s the most underrated city in Australia. Some of the best food and booze in the country is on your doorstep. Drive 15 minutes in any direction and you are where you want to be. It’s always sunny (almost). It’s like the California of Australia, and the legal green isn’t far away.
Where did you go for your last holiday?
Sydney and Melbourne back to back to check out venues. After calling Melbourne home for almost 10 years, Sydney has now taking the crown and impressed me immensely. Sorry Melbourne.
What's your favourite item of clothing? Why?
My Supras, although I have five or six pairs they are a shoe for any occasion. I work, skate and sleep in them... well pass out anyway.
What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
Honestly that's a tough question and would depend on the childhood era. From running home to catch 'Ninja Turtles' on a fuzzy screen to that weird 'Dragon Ball Z' phase. But the outright king has always been 'The Simpsons'.
If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
To finally see who shot 2Pac.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
Spag bol aka spaghetti bolognaise. My go-to meal as you can make it even after a few too many wines. Then more wine goes in both you and the meal. Our dinner parties get pretty loose. #progressive
What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
It comes from a quote: "Would you rather be the richest man in the graveyard or the one with the most stories." Needless to say this lesson will be the death of me. But I believe in living for the moment, taking risks and making memories.
Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows…
I sometimes eat pizza with a knife and fork because I hate having dirty hands. Great, re-reading that I just told everyone I’m insane.
Are you happy with your work/ life balance?
I am now. I tried to do a day job for a bank; it didn’t work out, so they fired me. Thanks for that, I hated it. Being a venue owner is more like a life-life balance now.
How do you define success?
If I ever become successful enough to reach a state of calm then I’ve nailed it. To not think about money, have the businesses running themselves and to be able to just chill and enjoy my surroundings would be great. Right now, I have zero chill.
What's your spirit animal?
I would go with horses. I grew up on a horse stable and rode for the first few impressionable years of my life. I love being around them, although lately it’s been at the track. I feel we have a connection. Smart, strong and fast… unlike myself.