Mark Lucas – scenestr of the day

Mark Lucas
What do you do?
In my normal life I am a Payroll Manager for an international personal services company but I am a passionate writer, actor and director and a massive supporter of community theatre.

Why do you do it?
My day job pays the bills but the other side of me is sheer passion.

What do you love about the city you live in?
I guess where I live isn't a city and that's the best part. I'm a country mouse at heart.

Where did you go for your last holiday?
Travelled to the Northern Territory and Perth.

What's your favourite item of clothing? Why?
Track pants and a hoodie. Why? Because that is the stuff that allows me to be me.

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
'Gilligan's Island'... am I dating myself?

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
22/11/1963... JFK's assassination. I don't know why but it has always fascinated me. So much so, I even wrote a play about it.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook for us?
Italian... Definitely! I make a kick-ass chicken cacciatore.

What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
Wow. It's kind of negative but the best lesson is be careful who you trust. In this industry there are so many promises and offers but everything comes at a cost. Don't sell your soul to appease your ego.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
I think I'm Freddie Mercury in an alternate universe. Freaking love that guy's talent and four octave range.

Are you happy with your work/life balance?
At the moment, no. I have a plan in place to achieve that but my self-discipline is sorely lacking.

How do you define success?
Success is personal. It's your own internal happiness and it is something that is not gauged on other people. Your own success is at your own disposal and no-one can tell you what success means to you.

What's your spirit animal?
In my heart, I'm a lion. In my soul, I'm a pig... But in reality I'm a wombat.

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