Gemma White – scenestr of the day

Gemma White
What do you do?
I am currently a QLD state finalist for Miss Galaxy Australia 2016. The Australia Galaxy Pageants is a wonderful platform for girls of all ages, shapes and sizes to be given an equal opportunity, gain confidence and become role models within our community.

I work full-time in the property industry, however, fill most of my weekends with philanthropy work for children’s charities. I am also an Ambassador for ‘icaniwill’ a local Brisbane/ Gold Coast-based charity dedicated to bridging the social gap for children with special needs. I feel extremely blessed and grateful to be given such opportunities, it is so rewarding to assist charitable organisations.

As part of the Miss Galaxy Australia pageant I am raising funds for Make-A-Wish Australia including my own event to be held mid-December with the support of my official pageant sponsor, Develop2U. I am thankful to my local community for supporting my event as well including Super Butcher Oxenford for supplying meat, Bakers Delight Oxenford for supplying the bread White Fire Designs and Revlon Cosmetics for supplying the lucky door prizes.

I was inspired by Make-A-Wish Australia and the work they do as my boyfriend’s older brother had a brain tumour when he was only five years old. The family were told at the time that Adam would be lucky to live until the age of 18. However he has exceeded all expectations and is now a fit and healthy 28-year-old. Make-A-Wish Australia granted Adam his wish at the time for a computer to play his video games. Donations in support of Make-A-Wish Australia can be made through my everyday hero account.

I have recently started my own business ‘White Fire Designs’ selling natural soy wax candles, with a percentage from each candle sold going directly to charities including Make-A-Wish Australia and icaniwill. I also head to Cambodia for 3 weeks on 6 Nov on a volunteer programme to assist with the care, health, nutrition and education of young children. I love to travel so I am really looking forward to it!

Why do you do it?
I think this answer is fairly simple... I enjoy it!

What do you love about the city you live in?
We are extremely lucky as Australians to live in such a beautiful part of the world, especially along the sunny coast of Queensland. We are lucky to have good weather most of the time, great beaches, a relaxed environment, theme parks, waterfalls, bush walks, mountains, lookouts, nightlife and of course the Great Barrier Reef. Its natural existence, the marine life and the exceptional beauty are a must see. I would recommend snorkelling or scuba diving to experience the real Australian culture of the sun, the sand and the sea.

Where did you go for your last holiday?
My last holiday was backpacking around Europe for 6 months in 2014 with my boyfriend and younger sister. We had so many amazing experiences, adventures and met friends to last a life time.

What's your favourite TV when you were a kid?
I don’t feel like my sister and I really ever watched TV when were kids. In the morning we would choose sleep over getting up to watch the early morning cartoons and in the afternoon mum would make us do our homework before dinner or we were out riding our bikes. As I got older I enjoyed Australian soap opera ‘Home & Away’ but I don’t feel like I have missed out on anything much. I am too busy most of the time to even get the chance to watch TV.

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
I wouldn’t want to re-live any day as such. There are so many places I would love to go back too. But an experience and a memory can never be changed.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook for us?
I make a pretty mean lemon meringue pie and passionfruit cheesecake so I would always have dessert sorted. I wouldn’t say I’m a great cook otherwise.

What's the best lesson you’ve ever learned?
Always be you! I feel it is important to be a role model in my community, however, I would never stop being me.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows?
Well... I only found out recently from mum that as a little girl I would never climb up high on monkey bars until my younger sister was old enough and would climb on anything. I then followed her and learnt it wasn’t that hard after all.

Are you happy with your work/ life balance?
I definitely feel that I have a good balance. We always wish for more time in the day, but I love everything that I do! Any free time that I have I love to spend it with family or friends, exploring, adventuring or just soaking up some of the sun rays. During summer we enjoy being out on the family boat, water-skiing and wakeboarding.

How do you define success?
I would define success with happiness.

What's your spiritual animal?
There is something I love about polar bears, however, I’m not a fan of the cold. I would have to say my spiritual animal would be a dog, they are always happy, boisterous and just have an unconditional love.

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