Casper Jean Rimbaud – scenestr of the day

Casper Jean Rimbaud
What do you do?
My name is Casper. I live in Melbourne. I am the founder of Melbournian Psycho, a creative arts site. I'm also a filmmaker and a writer, with my novel 'Post Encounter' recently published by Fiction Terrifica. My first film 'Dark Night Of The Werewolf' is soon to be released. I am also a songwriter.

Why do you do it?
It was a carefully staged operation where I burnt every bridge in life until I had no choice but to do this. I'm a very irresponsible man.

What do you love about the city you live in?
Arj Barker said some crap about getting a lip ring and surrendering to coolness. Melbourne is New York for people too lazy to save money. It is home.

Where did you go for your last holiday?
A High Dependency Unit. It's really not that bad once you stop screaming. There's a sign on the wall that says: COULD YOU PLEASE STOP SCREAMING?

What's your favourite item of clothing? Why?
I used to own a deerstalker hat like Sherlock Holmes but I lost the pipe and had to ditch it. It was one of those moments in life I'd rather not expand on.

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
'Different Strokes', the episode where Kimberley and Arnold get kidnapped by some creep who looks like Ted Bundy. You knew whenever an episode opened with Mr. Drummond looking into the camera to introduce a 'very special episode' that it was going to get freaky.

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
Probably to save Arnold and Kimberley from the creep who kidnapped them.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook for us?

You want to eat something I prepared? Want me to administer your medications and hold your newborn kid too? Here's a fun fact - I ate frozen lasagne every day for six months when I first moved out of home.

What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
That when you play a DVD in a CD player, it doesn't play audio from the movie.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
Am I given immunity?

How do you define success?
I'm not washed up. By my age Kenickie from 'Grease' was almost dead. He was the leader of the T-Birds, so that should really put it in perspective how much of a fall the guy took. No matter how bad it gets, I remind myself it could always be worse.

What's your spirit animal?
Any I can train to open cans of Coke and roll my cigarettes for me. Not that I'm into slave labor. Said animal would have to enjoy it.

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