Sam Thomlinson - scenestr of the day

What do you do? We make music.

Why do you do it? Because it makes living a whole lot more fun.

What do you love about the city you live in? Right now Sydney is pretty rough, but, generally, it has its moments. I think it's been pretty hard going for artists in Sydney for a number of years, but there's still a lot of talent here. Incredible music and art. . . it would just be nice if the government fostered it a little more. Music and art is a home for a lot of people, and comfort and safety for the masses; how can you not foster it?

Where did you go for your last holiday? SXSW in Austin, Texas. Jarred and I were both fortunate enough to play there in 2018 and it was truely incredible. Seems like so long ago now, but what I'd give to be back there in the atmosphere.

What's your favourite item of clothing? My oversized winter coat that nearly goes down to the floor. I'd wear it all through summer if I could.

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid? 'Stargate'. Oddly enough, it was my family's favourite show. We'd watch it every week. I still watch the movie and love it. I don't care what you say. . . it's brilliant.

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go? I'm not particularly religious, but I'd go back to 30AD to suss out this Jesus bloke, see what he's about.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Chilli cook off.

What's the best lesson you've ever learned? Life’s short. Try to have fun and enjoy it.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows... I once lost a human being. It's a long story. If we have that dinner, I'll explain it.

Are you happy with your work/ life balance? Yes. More than happy. I get to make music. I get to share what I've learned. It's not too shabby.

How do you define success? Enjoying what you get up everyday to do. Watch the end of 'About Time'. The sentiment there is pretty spot on. Not always achievable, but it's good to try.

What's your spirit animal? A dragon. Only because I'm a massive fantasy buff, but also because I’m a dragon.

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