Roxy Burt - scenestr of the day

What do you do?
I’m a full time publicist for SGC Media, I organise and promote a monthly event called Cheated Hearts and I DJ under the name Jane Doe on the odd occasion. I’ve also just gone back to college where I’ll be studying a bachelor of business (marketing) so I’m ALWAYS busy!

Why do you do it?
I love my job and it’s been a really long time since I’ve been able to say that. I work with the best people and coming to work is always enjoyable, except when my boss sings, but we’ve moved him into the office next door so it’s not so bad. I have been organising events for around six years now and I can finally say that after all the years of hard work, I have a successful event. I’ve just recently moved it to a bigger venue so I’m really pleased it’s going well.

What do you love about the city you live in?
I love being a big(ger) fish in a small pond. Brisbane isn’t too big or too small so it’s really helped in terms of Cheated Hearts because there isn’t anything else like it (at the moment). It really annoys me how people complain about how Brisbane is boring but if you look outside the box, there’s plenty to do in our great city!

Where did you go for your last holiday?
Um, what’s a holiday? I haven’t been on holiday in a couple of years! I think it was for a weekend in Coolum on the Sunshine Coast though.

What's your favourite item of clothing? Why?
Probably my maroon Diamond beanie. It’s a snug fit and keeps me warm now it’s coming into winter.

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
I was born in the UK so it was either Sooty or Tina Spoon on Button Moon. My Dad then nicknamed me Spooney. He still calls me that.

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
It would probably be to go to a gig. I would love to see Bowie and Nirvana (cliché I know)!

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook for us?
Definitely Indian! I make it at least once a week. I’m eating healthier so I don’t eat it as much anymore. My signature dish would probably be Chicken Rogan Josh.

What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
I’ve learned so many lessons over the years but I think the saddest lesson I’ve learnt is probably not being able to rely on anyone but yourself.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
I’m older than I look but I’m not going to reveal my age…

Are you happy with your work/life balance?
I am, although I would love more free time because a lot of that time is spent organising etc. I think a lot of people always want more time, though.

How do you define success?
Fulfilling your dreams should be success enough.

What's your spirit animal?
I have no idea! Maybe a cat. I love cats.

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