I have been working at Footstomp Music since 2010. My main role is 'Promotions Manager', which basically means I organise interview schedules and pitch promo opportunities for our artists. I'm constantly harassing our artists about picking up their phones for interviews and making sure they get to radio interviews and other face-to-face promo activities on time. In my spare time you can find me volunteering at festivals, running the Brisbane leg of Sofar Sounds and doing the door for Soundwave Touring. I'm also helping a friend with a charity gig at the Tivoli in December, stay tuned.
Why do you do it?
If it isn't already obvious, I'm a little bit obsessed with music. I went to my first concert when I was 11 (I'm not saying who it was, okay it was Avril Lavigne...) and since then I've lost count how many more I've been to. Standing in the middle of a packed concert is my favourite place to be.
What do you love about the city you live in?
Brisbane is such a great city for live music at the moment. We've got the live music hub in the Valley which means you can see five bands at three different venues in one night. We've also got a crazy amount of talented bands and musicians around town including the likes of Ben Salter, Busby Marou, Thelma Plum, The Medics, The Vernons, The Trouble with Templeton, Good Oak, Nat Dunn, Jeremy Neale, Ball Park Music, The Jungle Giants... I could literally list bands all day, it's ridiculous. All of the bands are supportive of each other too, which I think is what makes the Brisbane music scene so strong. Oh, and we've also got BIGSOUND here on a yearly basis, which is the best three days of the year in the Valley. The other states definitely have something to be jealous of.
Where did you go for your last holiday?
What's a holiday? Kidding! I spent last new years travelling to Melbourne and Sydney for the Two Door Cinema Club sideshows. I then came home to Brisbane and saw them two nights in a row at the Tivoli. Crazy? Yes.
What's your favourite item of clothing? Why?
My Doc Martens. I feel like Godzilla when I wear them and they go with everything.
What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
Bananas In Pyjamas. I had a very heated debate about the show the other day which obviously means it's still close to my heart. Although it's animated now — what's up with that?
If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
This was the most difficult question to answer. I'd probably go back to the late '80s and see Michael Jackson in concert but I'd take an iPod filled with One Direction, Justin Bieber and Skrillex on it so I could warn everyone about what's to come.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook for us?
HA! It would be in your best interest to not eat anything I cook. I'm confident with toast, maybe we could have toasties? My co-workers have witnessed me burning two-minute noodles (yes, it's possible) and my mum witnessed her kitchen almost go up in flames when I tried to cook rice (I got distracted and left it on for an hour)... I have a problem.
What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
Don't be a wanker. Especially in the music business. It's just music, we're not saving lives so enjoy it.
Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
I was in a pageant when I was 10 and I won Miss Charity Queen....okay, you can stop laughing now.
How do you define success?
If you're happy doing what you're doing and you can pay your rent then you're there.
What's your spirit animal?