Pradip Sarkar - scenestr of the day

What do you do? I host a show called 'Tiger Beats Elephant Grooves' (TBEG) on PBS 106.7FM (Mondays 7-8pm) that features South-Asian influenced independent music. I am also completing a PhD in Media and Communications in RMIT, and teach a popular culture course there.

Why do you do it? There is so much joy to be had in curating and sharing independent music from South Asia and the South Asian diaspora with PBS listeners.

PBS supports and showcases independent music from local as well as global artists, so it's an honour to be a part of this institution. TBEG also fits in with my PhD on the digital practices of independent music producers in India.

What do you love about the city you live in? Melbourne is still the undisputed cultural capital of the southern hemisphere, despite the terribly long lockdowns of 2020 and 2021. It is also a truly multicultural city with wonderful parks and green spaces. What the city lacks in its weather, it more than makes up through its cultural offerings, diversity, and laid-back vibes.

Where did you go for your last holiday? Jeez, I haven't left Victoria since early 2020. But I went to a little family-oriented music and arts festival called Renaissance near Llang Llang (on the way to Phillip Island) during Easter. It was just great to camp there and hang-out with mates in the forested property with tall trees towering over you.

What's your favourite item of clothing? A green checkered flannel shirt with a hoodie. Always keeps me warm, no matter what the season is in Melbourne – sometimes even on a summer evening when the temperatures suddenly plunge.

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid? Has to be 'Monsters Squad' from the late 1970s (showing my age here).

The show depicted the Hollywood monsters (Frankenstein's Monster, Werewolf, and Count Dracula) as benevolent characters fighting corrupt and evil mortals. Interesting counter-narrative to the portrayal of these horror characters in Hollywood movies.

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go? I'd time travel to my childhood to revisit one of those evenings my parents would sit down after dinner and listen to records on their 1970s belt-driven turntable.

Back in those days, listening to records was something the whole household would participate in, especially in Asia. Those evenings played an important role in cultivating my love for music.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Crispy fried spiced fish with jasmine rice and dahl (lentils) – a typical lunch served in Bengali homes in the east coast of India. Can be any kind of white fish, but I prefer silver whiting. Don't expect to find this combo in Indian restaurants in Melbourne.

What's the best lesson you've ever learned? Always reflect upon oneself before blaming others – learnt the hard way.

Are you happy with your work/ life balance? I am mainly a PhD student, so the issue of work/ life balance is not as relevant at this moment. But, I find my walks through parks and socialisation with friends to be highly beneficial as it gets me out of the intense cerebral headspace of the PhD.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows... Used to have this funny habit of sneaking into Maccas for a quick and cheap cheeseburger and fries. Never satisfied the craving for an oily meat sandwich however, so thankfully gave up that silly habit.

How do you define success? Definitely not associating success with material wealth, or bragging rights. I think being happy with what one is doing, and being part of a caring and creative community should be considered aspects of success.

What's your spirit animal? All animals have a spirit, but the possum has a spirit that I find intriguing.

A completely independent, non-profit, people-powered community radio station, PBS 106.7FM are hosting their annual PBS Radio Festival fundraiser – dubbed '2022: Complete The Connection' this year – until 29 May with listeners able to pledge donations and subscribe throughout.

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