Operations and Program Manager at Music Victoria. This means pretty much what is says on the packet. I support the CEO by overseeing the day-to-day operations of the organisation, and am responsible for curating and delivering the annual professional development programme.
I am also a practicing lawyer (in-house at MV), so deal with all things legal: contracts, governance matters, insurance, etc. Fun times.
Why do you do it?
Easy. Because I LIVE and BREATHE music. I have loved music for as long as I could talk/ hit a saucepan with a wooden spoon. Since learning musical instruments as a young whippersnapper, and later studying Law/ Business (Music Industry), I had a burning desire to use any skills and experience I could muster to help support the music community.
What do you love about the city you live in?
Melbourne is special for so many reasons, including geographically and for its food, culture and sports.
The main drawcard for me is our amazing, world-best live music scene. We have more venues per capita than anywhere in the world, do Americana as good as Nashville, have a thriving club scene, and as a punter, you can see almost any kind of music days/ nights a week.
I live in West Melbourne (on the edge of the CBD), which means that I am a short walk to amazing traditional Irish music or Aussie folk (The Drunken Poet), pub rock (Town Hall Hotel, North Melbourne), or one of the most diverse selections of local and international music on offer anywhere in the world (The Curtin, Carlton). There are many more reasons.
Where did you go for your last holiday?
The United States of America - primarily New York (MONDO NYC music conference), Joshua Tree, CA (Desert Daze festival), and San Diego. It was amazing and I hope to go back again as soon as possible (event this year).
What's your favourite item of clothing?
Probably my Desert Trip cut-off. It’s possibly both the coolest and daggiest gig merch item I own. It is my proof that I saw Bob Dylan, THE ROLLING STONES (!!!), Neil Young, Paul McCartney, The Who and Roger Waters over three days in Indio, CA (Coachella site).
It was THE most memorable, amazing thing I am ever likely to experience. Still paying off the credit card… SO worth it.
What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
Probably one of 'Astro Boy', 'He-Man' or 'Voltron'. Cartoons = GOOOOOD.
If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
Probably Sunbury Pop Festival - not 100 per cent sure on which year, the first in 1972 would have been just special; Billy Thorpe & The Aztecs and Lobby Loyde’s Coloured Balls rocked in 1973, and Queen played a supporting role to Daddy Cool, Chain, The Skyhooks and Madder Lake in 1974.
I think that is the closest to festival nirvana (the state/ ’place’, not the Seattle grunge band) that an Aussie rock fan could have hoped to get. TAKE ME THERE.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
Like an amateur, I’d probably have a crack at something I’ve never made trying to impress. Maybe a seafood laksa or an African veggie curry with some terribly sub-par injera.
What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
Maybe my first piano lesson? Gateway drug.
Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows…
For about two years (2002-2004), I used to have to start my 1993 Ford ED Falcon with a screwdriver under the hood.
Are you happy with your work/ life balance?
I am forever in a state of flux between pure bliss (which is sometimes a sign of balance) and stressful terror. It’s such a fine line between yes and no (or clever and stupid, as Spinal Tap found out).
How do you define success?
Being aware of and acknowledging self worth, and being content with the positive impact that brings others. And number of Facebook friends (jokes).
What's your spirit animal?
According to a shaman in Sedona, AZ, my animal totem is the owl.