Ming Gan - scenestr of the day

What do you do?
I'm co-founder and director of Fuzzy. Fuzzy is a music events company that produces music festivals and events such as Field Day, Parklife, Shore Thing, Harbourlife and our newest party, Listen Out. We also have a touring arm that tours international bands and DJs to Australia. I look after bookings of artists, international artist touring, business development and finance for Fuzzy.

Why do you do it?
The music! It's fun! I get to work with artists that I really respect. And there's nothing more satisfying than looking out on 25,000 smiling people having a good time dancing the day away.

What do you love about the city you live in?
I live in Darlinghurst and I very rarely cook, so I love that there are so many great restaurants and cafes at my door step. I can eat at a different place every night for a month without having to repeat. And the food scene seems to be getting better and better with lots of small restaurant/bars opening all the time. And of course, there's the harbour. Every time I fly back into Sydney from overseas, I'm still amazed at how spectacular our harbour is.

Where did you go for your last holiday?
I spent 7 weeks in South and Central America… fishing for specific species of fish in 7 different countries. And then ending with one week spent in the Galapagos Islands. I travelled with an old family friend who I grew up fishing with and it was a once in a lifetime adventure catching some of the most incredible fish (all catch and release!) in some of the most remote and beautiful areas in the world.

What's your favourite item of clothing? Why?
Flux Birdland chino pants. I think I've got them in just about every colour available. They're light and comfortable and useful in any occasion from just hanging around the house, going out at night or catching a fish or two...

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
Diff'rent Strokes. I used to religiously watch every episode every week when I was a kid. And I've just found out that Alan Thicke (the father from Growing Pains — my second favourite show when I was a kid) wrote the theme song for Diff'rent Strokes. And Alan is the father of Robin Thicke, whose single 'Blurred Lines' is currently the #1 single in Australia. Go figure! Too bad most of the cast of Diff'rent Strokes ended up in rehab and/or dead…

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
2 years ago, I travelled to Uganda and went trekking for mountain gorillas who are on the extreme endangered list with less than 1,000 left in the wild. Our group spent one hour with a family of 10 mountain gorillas including 2 young babies. They had no fear of us and continued eating and playing and doing what they do without taking any notice of us. At some stages, they were less than 3 metres from us. It was one of those moments where you're completely in awe of nature and humbled by the whole experience.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
I very rarely cook but there is one dish that is a family secret that I pull out for the occasional dinner party where I have to cook and that's my five spice crispy pork belly. I've only cooked it on 3 occasions, and each time it's been a hit. Unfortunately, besides that, I can only really cook scrambled eggs. Why cook, when there are so many amazing restaurants and cafes at my doorstep?

What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
Always enjoy your work and if you don't, then find something new to do. Work takes up so much of our life, that you need to really love what you do.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
My first 12 inch record was 'If You Leave' by OMD and I used to karaoke in the shower to this song lots!

Are you happy with your work/life balance?
The difficulty about owning your own business is that you have to be on call 24-7. And because all of my dealings with international artists are with overseas agents, the day never seems to end because of the time difference. But I'm trying now to turn off my phone at 9pm unless there is a specific call that I've arranged prior. I'm also taking longer holidays where I am not contactable for a week at a time. This was difficult to start with as I would worry whether there was something that I needed to deal with while on holiday. But I've learnt that's why we have business partners and staff, and I've let go and been able to enjoy my holidays a lot more now.

How do you define success?
Without sounding cliche, success is about being happy, being comfortable in yourself and having the courage to do what you want despite what others may think.

What's your spirit animal?
A dolphin. I'm a social animal, I love the water and I love catching fish!

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