Michael Shanks - scenestr of the day

Michael Shanks
What do you do?
I'm a Writer/Director working in the Film and TV biz, producing work with an emphasis on stylised, genre-based storytelling. My film 'Rebooted' won Best Australian Animation at Flickerfest 2020 and is currently on tour across Australia.

Why do you do it?
Because it would be harder for me not to do it. My brain is too stupid to do anything other than daydream, so it's nice to find a job whereby that's an essential skill.

What do you love about the city you live in?
Nobody ever says anything good about public transport, but when I travel outside of Melbourne I realise how much better our trains are than a lot of places. It's very helpful to somebody who's too useless to get a driver's license such as myself.

What's your favourite item of clothing?
I have this big, plaid jacket with a sheepskin lapel that I inherited from my cousin. The lining on the inner pocket is torn open, allowing access to the inside of the jacket. Therefore, say at a music festival, I can load the inner lining with drinks and accoutrements and be set for an evening. It does get a little heavy.

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
I have the same name as the first actor who is credited in the TV show 'Stargate SG-1', and as a kid that felt very important.

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
To best avoid the risk of muddying up the timeline, I'd go to an isolated place whereby basically everybody died or would forget me in the ensuing panic. So maybe the Titanic.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
Something extravagant that I was trying for the first time. Then I could spend the whole evening fussing and sweating over, a dish that ultimately falls short of my expectations, allowing me to apologise non-stop over the ensuing dinner. There will be no dessert.

What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
When making art, the best wellspring to draw from is your own experience, not other art.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
I have a secret question I can ask myself if I ever encounter somebody claiming to be me from the future/me in a body-swap scenario. Nobody knows the answer except me, so if me-from-the-future doesn't know it, they're obviously lying and must be destroyed.

Are you happy with your work/ life balance?
I'm at my happiest when my balance is tipped so heavily in the direction of work that I'm not sure how to answer that.

How do you define success?
I define success by creating – even if it's just daydreaming something that you find amusing. As long as you're in the throes of creative ideation then you're winning in the battle against the existential horror of existing.

What's your spirit animal?
I've always wanted to be friends with a large crow that can speak English, so maybe that?
I like cats, so maybe my spirit animal is any cat, other than my cat, who hates me.

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