Michael Jordan - scenestr of the day

Michael Jordan
What do you do?
I’ve recently taken on the role of Marketing and Events manager at a club/ live venue called 24 Moons in Melbourne, bookings acts, running events, and general marketing and promo stuff. On the side I also run a DJ agency and events company, 100% Phat, booking gigs for the likes of M-Phazes, DJ Flagrant, Agent 86 and Tom Showtime, running events and the occasional international tour.

Why do you do it?
Because it allows me to constantly be around my one, true love – music. I get to work with amazing artists, witness amazing shows and mix with super, talented people who I admire and respect. I also get a massive buzz after pulling off a big event, having seen it through from conception to completion.

What do you love about the city you live in?
What’s not to love about Melbourne! Amazing music scene, and arts scene in general, friendly creative people everywhere, and so many hidden secrets around the city its amazing. Big events? We got that. Awesome rooftop venues? Check. Bars hidden down a laneway and down a flight of stairs with no signage? Yup.

Where did you go for your last holiday?
Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia about 15 months ago. The right balance of relaxation with a sprinkle of partying/ networking.  

What's your favourite item of clothing?
My sneaker collection. Growing up playing basketball, I was into kicks back in the day and now with all the retros I get to revisit my youth! Closely followed by my Kangol collection. I’m all about hats.

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
Until my teens I loved ‘Happy Days’ because I had some weird obsession with post-war, 1950s America. It was a completely other world. From the time I was 12 or 13 or so, ‘NBA Action’ baby!

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
The aforementioned 1950s America as I’m fascinated by that era, or back to when I was 18 so I knew what I know today!

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook for us?
Hopefully something edible. Wouldn’t be able to make any promises though.

What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
Who you are today is the sum of everything up until this point. Never stop learning from life’s experiences.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
Back in the day I beat current Philadelphia 76ers coach Brett Brown in a free-thrown contest, beat current Minnesota Timberwolves GM Milt Newton in a 3-point shooutout, and beat current US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan in game of a two on two.

Are you happy with your work/ life balance?
Right now, absolutely. I like being busy and working on multiple projects, but my last job was way too demanding. My current job, working on a brand new venue and building it from day one with an awesome owner is exciting, and I also have enough time to work on outside projects while still having a social life and some downtime. The most work-life balance I’ve had in a while!

How do you define success?
By how you feel in the morning before going to work. To me, loving what you do and having great friends and family around you and being happy is more important than the flashy car and expensive clothes etc.

What's your spirit animal?
Whatever is furthest from a cat. They are pure, unadulterated evil.

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