Marty Reid - scenestr of the day

Marty Reid
First job?
Flippin McMurder patties at Strathpine Maccas.

Your family includes…
Me, my beautiful Mum, Heather, and my big brother Skip.

First car?
An old drift-pig S13 Silvia! A very poor investment... nearly killed me a bunch times; cost me a flamin' fortune and pulled a total of zero chicks.

Favourite book?
Pphhwwooaarr... probably 'Food Of The Gods' by Terence McKenna. Great read for all you young jedi-hustlers and neo-shaman types! Highly recommended (no pun intended).

What are you reading now?
‘Meat Is For Pussies' by John Joseph McGowan, the frontman of New York hardcore band Cro-mags. He's a hardcore NY punker, former crackhead, staunch vegan, tri-athlete, spiritual seeker and health fanatic! In the book John attempts to dispel a few of the myths relating to a plant-based diet and peak-athletic performance. It’s a fun read. He swears a lot.

Favourite song?
Now, I’m a hardcore music junkie... always have been. So this is not an easy question to answer! But I would have to say 'Lateralus' by Tool. What an achingly beautiful display of art, emotion and musicality! This band changed the direction of my life. I’m very grateful for that.

Best advice you’ve been given (and by who)?
Ok, this might sound a little bit weird to some, but the most game-changing, earth-shattering, ego-crushing advice ever bestowed upon me was conveyed during the business end of a recent DMT experience. Long story short, I found myself in the company of three, super-colossal, hyper-intelligent beings that I can only describe as 'spirit machines'. They were several hundred metres tall and made of luminous, liquid metal. After informing me that they were/ are the architects of the universe (I know, right?) they went on to explain that love is the fabric that holds the universe together, and 'advised' me that it is a great and rare privilege to have a human experience and that to ‘be love’ is the name of the game. Simply love everything! I cried for a while after that. It was a beautiful experience.

How long have you lived on the Sunshine Coast?
About 15 years.

Why do you live there?
Coz it’s a flamin' paradise! Quality of life is through the roof and all my best mates live here.

What is your favourite place on the Sunshine Coast?
The beach, bush, forest, lakes, creeks and rivers. There are so many pristine, little pockets of unspoiled, natural beauty here! It’s amazing really. Let’s just make sure it stays that way!

Where do you take visitors when they come to the Coast?

If you could change one thing on the Coast what would it be?
I'd re-name it! The Sunny Coast With The Most!

Best day in your life?
Day four at BOOM Festival, 2008, in Portugal. Why? Just before sunrise on day four, after a few solid days of raving, me and mate decided to have a break from the D-floor and found a spot to chill-up in the centre of the ambient temple (the festival’s chill stage). Picture a stunning, circular bamboo structure, soft floored (a shoe-free zone) with cascading shade sails flowing down from the highest point. A central rock-pool water feature, surround by an aromatic, edible garden of mint and wild lettuce. Perfectly complemented by lush, crystalline ambient beats being channeled through a bewildering quadraphonic surround sound system! So there we sat among 100 other, giggly faces of various age, colour and gender, all sharing the anticipation of the imminent celestial display on the horizon. We had just scored front row seats to the sunrise of the century! Time slowed down as the sky swept through the colour spectrum from dark, night time blacks and purples through to deep, ocean blues, all the while the soundtrack evolving right along with it! Mint tunes! Masterfully selected! At that point, I failed to perceive the distinction between my visual and auditory senses. I was 'suspended' in sensory jelly. That’s when it happened. Right when the suspense and excitement was at fever pitch! That giant raging inferno! Our solar systems pride and joy! The benevolent giver of light peered out from behind the mountain range on the far side of the lake! The temple erupted. Cheers of rapture rang out over the hillside! It was like our team had just scored the winning point in the dying seconds of overtime! It was the most incredible sense of elation I'd ever felt in my life up until that point. I sat, crosslegged in the middle of it all, cradled my head in my hands and cried my eyes out.

Can you nominate a day in your life that turned out to be a turning point?
Day four at BOOM Festival in 2008.

Why was it a turning point?
I realised that we are all part of the cosmic love tribe! Whether you realise it on not doesn't matter, you’re already an honorary member! How cool is that?

You are happiest when?
When everyone’s happy.

What frustrates you the most?
Littering! It’s the worst! Makes my blood f*&king curdle! This planet is a precious gift! It ought to be treated as such.

If you could tell your 18-year-old self anything what would it be?
Dude! You just wait till you meet the spirit machines! Aaannd don't buy a drift car.

Tea or coffee? And how do you have it?
Hhhmm... I'm rather fond of both depending on the time of day and my state of mind. But I'm quite partial to a double-riz latte.

NRL or AFL and who do you follow?
Are they punk bands? I’m more involved with electronic music these days.

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