Ah, what don't I do? Aside from being a father, a boyfriend, a self-taught chef, a traveller, an artist, a surfer, a fighter (MMA, jujitsu and Muay Thai), a snowboarder and a runner… I have six businesses last time I checked. I'm the event organiser of SURF n Ink Tattoo Festivals in Townsville, Brisbane and the Gold Coast. I'm the editor of Custom Tattooz Magazine and I do art on surfboards in airbrush, posca and digital prints. Oh, and I'm a full-time tattooist. ;)
Why do you do it?
Because I can't NOT do it. I like to keep my mind occupied. My mind produces ideas and I like to see these ideas happening; when they become a reality, it feels even better.
What do you love about the city you live in?
The surf, hands down. I live here because of the surf… take me away from it and I'll go stir-crazy and probably get fat.
Where did you go for your last holiday?
I'm addicted to travelling but I don't like to call my travels 'holidays' as I don't completely stop working. I went to Indo earlier this year. I just got back from carving up the mountains in Wanaka, NZ with my girlfriend and my son (don't worry, it was laptop city in the evenings). The fresh powder was amazing! I will be going to Vegas in October with a few domestic trips in between including Canberra and Townsville.
What's your favourite item of clothing? Why?
Year round; board shorts. Right now in winter, it's my wetsuit (for obvious reasons) and my 'warmies' aka my slouchy sweat pants or PJs (but usually not worn in public… unless I have a chocolate muffin craving at 8pm).
What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid? If you've got kids, what's your favourite show to watch with them?
My 13 year old son and I love watching Cops together! We also love WWII docs, Discovery channel and Nat Geo; anything with action!
If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
Probably a past life; maybe Roman times to be in the arena as a gladiator versus the lions.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook for us?
Whoa… are you sure you're ready for dinner at mine? I'm Peruvian and we don't mess around with food. Firstly, you need to fast for 24 hours before. Secondly, don't be silly and bring your own alcohol or a salad; 'mi casa es tu casa'. I'd probably serve up some Peruvian appetisers like Papas en la Huancaina, and if you're lucky — ceviche. We've got chilled white on ice and cold beer in the fridge. If you stay late, you'll get the Jack, Jim or Johnny in the cupboard. Main course is my-style 'parrilla' charcoal barbecue.
Remember when I said you needed to fast? This is because I'll serve up succulent, juicy beef, lamb and maybe a pork roast (all seasoned with secret spices) until you can't possibly eat another bite… and then I'll cook more for tomorrows lunch. Salad will be available and even if you don't like salad, my girlfriend's home-made salad dressing is pretty damn good, so you'll probably eat some of that too. I rarely serve dessert… mostly because of all the meat, and secondly because of the Jack, Jim and Johnny.
What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
Always put enough chocolate chips in the cookies to avoid being hit with the cookie pan.
Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
Somos pocos los que somos, los de siempre, pero para cualquiera somos suficientes. Hahaha… still secret?
Are you happy with your work/life balance?
Well, I don't really balance them because I kind of blend them together into one. My work is my life and my life is my work. I love and am very happy with both. I don't live a standard life and don't really take days off. Although if I'm traveling overseas you could count the plane ride as a day off; I sleep like a baby on planes because it's the only time I'm completely disconnected from the world!
How do you define success?
Success is self-motivation. It comes to people that don't make excuses. At the end of every day if you ask yourself; 'did I do everything in my power to reach my goals today?' and you can honestly and truly answer 'yes', then that is success at any stage in anyones life. Sleeping in is not success. Making excuses is not success.
What's your spirit animal?
I'm half shark, half bear. Be careful; do not test my waters or wander my forest unless you're prepared… I've got a nasty bite.