I am a singer-songwriter, writer, theology student and I am currently very blessed to be a part of the curatorial team at Horizon Festival on the Sunshine Coast. I have a new single out, called 'Free', and am being featured as a guest on Archie Roach's web series 'Archie's Kitchen Table Yarns' on 15 October.
Why do you do it?
All of these things have a connecting thread in that they each help me to remember the feeling of aliveness that comes from creativity and spirituality, and to help others remember this also. A big part of my role at Horizon is to support and facilitate the vision of the First Nations Advisory Group and I love being of service in this way; to amplify First voices and to feature the work of local First Nations artists as much as possible brings me great joy.
What do you love about the city you live in?
Haha! My city has no shops, no street lights, no neighbours. It is a beautiful place that is healing after being completely logged in the ’50s, that is now a vibrant ecotone home to koalas, goannas, fairy wrens and echidnas. It's their ‘city’ and I'm just a guest.
Where did you go for your last holiday?
Boreen Point. Camping with friends and family – such a fun experience to be hanging out by the lake day in and day out, with a giant inflatable unicorn in tow!
What's your favourite item of clothing?
Pyjamas for sure. Why can't we wear them everywhere?
What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
‘90210’ was up there with ‘Fresh Prince’ and my dad was a big soapies fan so we did partake in quite a bit of ‘Neighbours’ and ‘Home And Away’. He always said he watched them because of us and then years later we were with his old high school mates who said, "does your dad still watch all of them soapies?"! Busted.
If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
Back to my Homelands before colonisation.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
A big pot of curry, coconut rice, green salad. And green coconut pancakes for dessert.
What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
That the golden rule is to love each other. And that the moment we feel like condemning and hating others is the very moment that we need love the most.
Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
I'm a bit of an open book! But something not many people would know is that I am a person of faith and this more than anything else defines me.
Are you happy with your work/ life balance?
Yes. I peaked in my career about three years ago and realised that there is a version of life out there that is not for me. So now everything thing I do is to be of service; to love people through music and words and grace in their darkest moments, to bring sanctity into the everyday experience. This work is fuelled from a power far greater than I, and when I'm not doing that work life is very simple, laid back and easy. And if I ever feel out of whack the ocean brings me back into alignment.
How do you define success?
Having made someone else's day easier, better, happier, calmer.
What's your spirit animal?
My totem is the white throated tree creeper.