I am a creator, actor and producer who is currently in Belo Horizonte, Brazil performing in a show I co-created — ‘BATA-ME!’ (Popwitch) — as part of the official cultural programme for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. (I play He-Man!)
Why do you do it?
Because I love it! I love creating original work as it opens up a whole new world of possibilities in the performance world. I love acting — bringing to life a character and sharing a story with an audience. I love producing because this is what makes it all come together and it presents a tangible set of goals to achieve. By creating, performing and producing, anything is possible.
What do you love about the city you live in?
I love Brisbane for so many reasons! It has so much to offer! It’s a lifestyle city; the cafes, bars, theatre... The close proximity to beautiful beaches, rainforest, mountains. It’s an active city, which is becoming trendier by the day. Professionally speaking, it’s really expanding in all areas and it is an ideal time to be an artist in Brisbane as there is enough space to create your name and path; to grow with the industry and the city. We have some wonderful festivals, which are growing every year (Anywhere Theatre Festival is an amazing phenomenon!). There is so much opportunity here and the lifestyle is amazing.
Where did you go for your last holiday?
Being in Belo Horizonte, Brazil is a working holiday! When I am performing, it does not feel like work and I feel so lucky! I am fully aware how amazing this city and country is — the vibe for the World Cup is incredible! I will go to Sao Paulo for two days next week to visit a friend. That will be a minibreak! My last pure holiday (for rest and relaxation) was in the Bunya Mountains (three hours northwest of Brisbane) — that place is magical!
What is your favourite piece of clothing and why?
My fire engine red trenchcoat that I bought in Rome. And my white Converse Chuck Taylors that my friends gave me for my 18th birthday! They’re just over a decade old, were white (and are now filthy) and are starting to fall apart but fit like a glove! My friend’s want me to part with them, but I love them too much! I’m wearing them now in Brazil.
What was your favourite cartoon as a kid? Easy. ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ (I was Michelangelo). ‘He-Man!’. ‘The Flintstones’. ‘The Jetsons’. ‘The Simpsons’. ‘Captain Planet’. ‘Daria’.
If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
Back far enough to meet my grandparents and my great uncles. I have heard wonderful stories, but never got to meet them. I would love a day to get to know them.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
I love cooking! Beginning with homemade hummus and dips for pre-dinner drinks, followed by my signature Irish stew or a risotto, maybe a roast, or some Brazilian cuisine like feijoada, and salads. Followed by an amazing dessert!
What’s the best lesson you’ve ever learnt? Just say yes! Anything is possible. To be compassionate. To forgive and let go. To love with an open heart. To give until it hurts. To be trustworthy and honest. To show strength in kindness. To smile, laugh, and live.
Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody knows... Sometimes I make plans and I have no idea how they will actually come to life. At times, I tend to live on the Kevin Costner 'if you build it, they will come' model of life... I will always behave like I have it sorted.
Are you happy with your work/ life balance?
Work should be a joy; to enhance and give purpose to life and to impact on others for the better in whatever we do! Whenever I am creating, performing or producing I am at my happiest! I love being busy. I love that feeling of achievement and putting my head on the pillow at night knowing that I put my heart into my work.
How do you define success?
I define success by achieving goals and by sustaining a life doing something that you truly believe in and love. Success is being content and happy; being present and approaching life with gratitude. What is your spirit animal? I would say that my spirit animal is a dog: loyal, loving, joyous, silly, and free!