Jenna Grant – scenestr of the day

What do you do?
I’m 21, and a full-time student at QUT in Brisbane, studying a Bachelor of Nutrition Science. I’m also a barista and I co-own a little candle business.

Why do you do it?
I’ve had a lot of different passions in life! From wanting to be a marine biologist when I was younger, to environmental conservation, to creative writing, to event planning and to medicine, I have always been into something that catches my attention and leaves me searching for answers or solutions. It was in 2012 when I was in my first year of university and studying nursing, that I realised my passion for nutritional medicine. Studying anatomy, physiology, pathology and our healthcare system, made me realise that I wanted to learn more about preventing disease through nutrition. The next year I transferred degrees into my current course, which I love!

What do you love about the city you live in?
Brisbane is my home away from home. Although it isn’t too far from where I grew up on the Sunshine Coast, the culture and community is quite different. Brisbane has opened my eyes to so many different cultures and people. I have made so many amazing friends since moving here for Uni, experienced lots of new things, and have fallen in love with the craziness of city life.

Where did you go for your last holiday?
New Zealand! Most of my extended family lives in the north island, so my family and I went over in February this year. It’s the most beautiful place.

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
'Art Attack' for sure. I don’t think it’s aired anymore, but it was the best show and remember racing home from school every afternoon to watch it!

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook for us?
Oh I’d definitely make my healthy version of chicken parmy! It’s roasted chicken breast with almond and herb crumb, homemade Napoli sauce, and sprinkle of parmesan. With roasted rosemary sweet potato chips on the side of course!

What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
Learning forgiveness and self-worth. I think it’s important to learn how to let go of tension, traumatic memories, grudges, whatever it may be that causes us pain. I think it’s important to learn that sometimes we can analyse situations and events so much yet never come to a conclusion that makes us understand or gives us closure. I have learned that we are worthy of happiness and that forgiving others (and ourselves) is essential to living a happy life.

Are you happy with your work/life balance?
I am at the end of semester right now so my work/uni/life balance is a bit uneven! But generally I try to see my studies as just a stepping stone to the rest of my life where I get to live out my passion. It gets hectic and stressful at times trying to juggle university, work and a social life, but I think I make it work okay! I’ve also just started up my Instagram page, which I’m filling with healthy recipe ideas as well as nutrition and wellness tips! It’s called Brain&Berry Nutrition, @brainandberrynutrition

How do you define success?
Living a life filled with good health, happiness, and love.

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