Why do you do it? As Mick Jagger says: "It's only rock & roll, but I like it." And I like it a hell of a lot. However, being born with no music talent meant I have always had to find a way I can be a part of the industry.
Whether that was by chatting with bands before they went on stage, stage managing at festivals, booking my dream line-ups or hosting a radio show, I have always surrounded myself with the best people in the world. . . musicians insert love heart eyes.
I don't have an answer for 'why' I started managing a band, but I do know it was a bloody brilliant decision. I went from being an only child to having four brothers I get to travel around Australia with while we have the wildest time! Plus LOLA also happen to be my favourite band so I guess that's lucky.

Hannah with LOLA
What do you love about the city you live in? The local music scene. I get to see my favourite bands play every weekend! Listen to Looch and you'll know what I mean.
Where did you go for your last holiday? Darwin. I'll probably go there for my next holiday as well, I love it.
What's your favourite item of clothing? Ripped jeans. Because they look badass with Converse.
What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid? Every Saturday morning, Mum and I would watch 'Rod Stewart Live At Royal Albert Hall'. . . I guess it's not a TV show, but it's waaaay cooler than 'The Wiggles' so I'm gonna go with it.
If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go? 14 August, 1994. I want to have a mud fight with Green Day at Woodstock.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Hot chips and beer. If we're feeling classy, you might get a vegan hamburger on the side.
What's the best lesson you've ever learned? I have no idea. Life is constantly serving up lessons, so it's hard to pick the best one. I love to prove people wrong; I think I have got a lot of my motivation from some of my darkest times. Don't ever, ever give up on what makes you happy. Also smile at strangers and live outside your comfort zone – that's where the cool sh.t happens.
Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows... I have a phobia of moths. And I'm really good at poker.
Are you happy with your work/ life balance? I am lucky that music plays a huge role in both my work and personal life. I can keep my bank account happy by doing what I love and that's a dream come true.
However, this means sometimes I can really struggle to 'turn off' and I'm the queen of burning myself out. When I get run down, I head to the beach.
How do you define success? Happiness. I don't care how corny it sounds, if you're happy, you're successful.
What's your spirit animal? Depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm a lion, sometimes I'm a dolphin.