Greg Sanders - scenestr of the day

What do you do?
I play guitar in Emperors, and run Gun Fever Music, an artist management, bookings, publicity and touring service based in Perth.

Why do you do it?
I originally started Gun Fever as a record label in order to release my own band's music. Then I got a lot of interest from other bands wanting me to help them out and I found out it's really fun working with artists I like. My business is constantly evolving, I've only just moved into artist management. I guess my ultimate goal is to make a living helping promote music and artists that I love.

What do you love about the city you live in?
Perth is a big country town. Everyone in the music community knows each other and there's a good support network made up of (mostly) people who are willing to help you out. It's always refreshing coming back here after spending time in Sydney and Melbourne where the majority of the music industry is.

Where did you go for your last holiday?
I went to Europe in January 2012. It was the middle of winter, and quite a refreshing contrast to the 40 degree heat we experience in Perth every summer. I'd recommend it to anybody if you don't mind the cold. It's cheap and there are hardly any tourists!

What's your favourite item of clothing? Why?
What I refer to as my "chino" jacket - which i've owned for about 10 years. I bought it as a teenager because it looked like something Chino Moreno from Deftones would wear. I always thought I'd grow out of liking The Deftones, and the jacket, but i've outgrown neither.

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
Tough question! I'm going to have to go with Beavis & Butthead.

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
Easy question. Wherever I was yesterday.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook for us?
Hot ham water. Steamed hams. Something with ham in it.

What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
That you shouldn't do something just because you think it's expected of you.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
Nah — there's a reason nobody knows!

Are you happy with your work/life balance?
Yes, although it's hard to find a distinction between the two sometimes. I'm so immersed in working with my own and other people's bands that it takes up 90% of my life. It's not something you should do if you want a lot of money, but I love doing it, and it beats working a job that I hate.

How do you define success?
Being able to pay your bills and still being able afford to go to the bar and also take the occasional holiday, without doing something you hate.

What's your spirit animal?
The crocodile. I'm really good / bad at drawing them. I'll happily draw one for whoever asks me to.

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