I'm super lucky and get to work with bands and music every day… I'm a music publicist at a boutique entertainment PR agency, On The Map PR.
Why do you do it?
You get one chance at life, so why not do something you love? Music is where it's at for me! I get to hang out with cool bands and listen to unreal tunes and call it ‘work’.
What do you love about the city you live in?
I'm a Melbourne gal, born and raised; did a few years around the country when I was working with Sony Music, but have landed back in Melbourne and this is where I'll stay. Awesome and affordable food, great live music scene, all my family and it's such a beautiful city.
Where did you go for your last holiday?
I ate my way around Europe and NYC in April and had a ball. The buzz of all the different cities and sights, varied cuisines and amazing local cultures – there's nothing better than spending your hard-earned cash on traveling
What's your favourite item of clothing?
Couldn’t live without my navy Massimo Dutti leather jacket. It goes with every pair of jeans and makes me feel like a rocker!
What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
How good was ‘Beavis And Butthead’ when you were young and felt naughty watching it?! Seriously, I used to love that show. Cannot stand it now; that weird and nervous laugh. Too many episodes during my youth!
If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
This one is easy – it'd have to be the Hanging Rock Bruce Springsteen show last year. I was picking up my friend for dinner and accidentally ran into Bruce at his hotel the day before the show. He only had one security guard with him and wasn't in a hurry, so we had a great chat and snapped a pic. I asked him if he was playing ‘The River’ at the show the next night and said I'd be there with my big sign for ‘The River’. Incredibly, the next night Bruce proceeded to tell a story… "I'm looking for my buddy and she has a sign, but there's just soo many signs that I can't find her!" He proceeded to make lighthearted chat while he scanned the signs across the front sections and then passionately launches into that beautiful harmonica intro... Meanwhile I was three rows back on my brother's shoulders trying to get his attention, holding a sign for ‘Jungleland’ – yep, ‘Jungleland’. My bro who was meant to be printing ‘The River’ ended up printing ‘Jungleland’ and this was the sole reason I didn't get to jump on stage and sing my fave song with The Boss himself. Hence why this would be my time travel moment, and I'd take the correct sign this time.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
Aside from my love of/ job in the music industry, I also did a quick stint on ‘MKR’ in 2012, repping Victoria with my sister Carly. We were characterised as the resident Asians (despite only being half) and had to cook duck, duck and duck for almost every meal – that's reality TV for ya. Turns out duck did good by us and we came third… But I can tell you, when you come to my place, you're NOT going to get duck! Think it'd have to be something super tasty like a Moroccan-lamb tagine on spiced cous cous with roasted nuts and char-grilled veg. Delish!
What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
My grandpa always used to say: "it's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice" and it's one of those phrases that I think of a lot in this music biz especially.
Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
‘The Phantom Of The Opera’ soundtrack is my fave road trip music!!
Are you happy with your work/ life balance?
I work way too much on a daily basis, but love what I do, so I figure that makes it okay? And when I do take holidays, I take a few weeks off to really switch off.
How do you define success?
An artist I work with, Ella Hooper, recently told me that her manager always says to her that "success is when hard work meets opportunity" and I couldn't agree more.
What's your spirit animal?
Rottweiler. Fierce, proud and loyal… a big softie with lots of love for those who are closest.