I am an event manager, promoter and graphic designer who’s currently studying digital media technology and diving right into the world of Oculus Rift development (virtual reality).
Why do you do it?
Because I can I guess ;) I have done a lot of different things in my life but I always seem to come back to event and design work. When I was just starting high school (early ‘80s) my parents ran a couple of roller-skating rinks and the old man was running a large festival and bike show… So I started DJing at the age of 12, got involved in working with live bands, tours and events and discovered I was very good at event logistics and promoting at a very early age. It kind’ve just boomed from there getting involved in outdoor parties and community events.
What do you love about the city you live in?
Brisneyland, Brisburg, Bris-Vegas – it's a special sort of city this one. So much to do without being too overwhelming, and it's still small enough to nurture a really good, tight-knit community. It's also home to some of the most creative and amazing people I've ever had the pleasure of working with, playing with, and calling friends – family even.
Where did you go for your last holiday?
What is this holiday you speak of? Some would say my lifestyle has been a holiday in its own right. I've had opportunities to travel around Australia a lot. Originally I was from WA and decided to hitch across the country one day… finding myself working and living aboard HM Bark Endeavour replica as a carpenter's assistant – I'd have to say that was the most holiday moment I think I've ever had; a lot of hard work for minimal stipend, but to travel the Great Barrier Reef on an 18th Century tall ship – Captain Cooks' tall ship – you can't beat that. It's still a massive, life highlight.
What's your favourite item of clothing? Why?
Would have to be my shamagh (scarf) – you can wear it as a scarf, as a hat, you can wet it to cool yourself down, use it to clean up spills, and you can tie things up with it… versatile as really. That and I guess my favourite shorts while I'm in public places :P
What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
So many to choose from: ‘Monkey Magic’, ‘Dr Who’, ‘HR Puffinstuff’… tonnes of old ‘60s and ‘70s stuff… I didn't get a lot of time to watch TV as a kid coz I was off on adventures being awesome… Ahhhhh the old days :)
If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
I would have to say anytime back when the Earth was much less ‘developed’, when there were massive, ancient trees everywhere and anytime I could (safely) watch the planet change dramatically: volcanoes, mountains forming, dinosaurs walking… Either that or Woodstock of course. I would love to see if Atlantis, Mu or some ancient culture we don't yet know existed… Yeah that'd be ace.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
Haha! I have been a bit of a culinary beast lately… I have been getting right into cooking feasts at home. You would likely be offered stuffed mushrooms, slow-cooked lamb shanks, turkey filo pastries or even beef Wellington. I have been teasing a lot of my friends by posting pics on Facebook and Instagram recently, so I reckon you may have to take a ticket and line up sir ;)
What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
An old, army captain once told me the best piece of advice ever – always count to ten before opening your mouth… Of course I sometimes don't take advice, so the best lessons I've learned are the ones I have had to learn the hard way myself.
Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
Really? Pfffftt… Ok. A few, close friends know this now, but when I was an itsy-bitsy little tacker I did jazz ballet and tap dancing. Yes… I have no more to add to that LOL!
Are you happy with your work/ life balance?
Well there are always ups and downs, but I am generally happy. Life is what you make it after all, and there isn't enough time to be focusing on negatives. I figure if you think happy, you'll be happy. I could always do with more money and less work, but I am balancing that with a couple of crazy injuries, so if I start getting too happy, reality has a way of levelling the playing field once again ;)
How do you define success?
Being happy and having food on the table and a roof over your head :) Nuff said!
What's your spirit animal?
I'd have to say scorpion, but I'm a bit of a pragmatist so the term ‘spirit animal’ doesn't really hold much meaning. But I do have a radjestic [sic] new tattoo of a scorpion on the back of my neck so that'll do.