Bronwyn Kidd - scenestr of the day

Bronwyn Kidd
What do you do?
I'm the Director of Flickerfest Short Film Festival.

Why do you do it?
I love short films and independent cinema, being a platform for supporting filmmakers' careers and introducing audiences to the incredible talent in the short film world.

What do you love about the city you live in?
I live in Mullumbimby on the North Coast of NSW. It's quiet and has an incredible sense of community. I wouldn't live anywhere else!

What's your favourite item of clothing?
My Birkenstock sandals are great for moving quickly and running around the festival when we're busy!

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid? (If you've got kids, what's your favourite show to watch with them?)
It's going back a while but my favourite show was 'Mister Ed'. We even did a festival trailer one year inspired by this.

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
My late teens, with the knowledge I have now.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
Organic mushroom and chicken pie with spelt pastry. It's one of my specialities, I roll it out often!

What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
Hard work and persistence pays off, never give up and have faith in your dreams.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows...
I'm a bit of an open book really, so I don't have too many secrets!

Are you happy with your work/life balance?
Flickerfest is a rather large task. It's certainly not 9 to 5, so lots of weekends and after hours etc. I would probably like a bit more balance but when you run an arts festival it can be all-consuming.

How do you define success?
Doing what you love and seeing other people benefit from your passion is what makes me happy and feel successful. I'm not driven at all by money.

What's your spirit animal?
A dolphin. Happy and playful, always reminding me to find joy and lighten up!

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