Bri Zammit - scenestr of the day

Bri Zammit is a producer for live performance and festivals at Brisbane Powerhouse.
What do you do?
I’m a producer for live performance and festivals. Basically this means a lot of emails and questioning whether the artist using a katana to beat a kebab in their performance has done their risk assessment.

Why do you do it?
I’ve always wanted to be involved in creative industries in some way or another. My mum and grandma took me to musicals when I was around six years old and ever since then I wanted to be on stage.

While I did end up on the other side of it, it is unbelievably fulfilling to help facilitate artists in creating works and experiences that can be shared with all reaches of the community.

What do you love about the city you live in?
I love that Brisbane is kind of undefined as a city. The potential of growth and change is something that actually makes me wants to stick around and be a part of how it all develops.

Where did you go for your last holiday?
Hmmm. . . I guess my last, proper holiday was to Melbourne where I basically just ate, napped and saw some performances. I am itching to book a holiday to Japan though.

What's your favourite item of clothing?
Any dress that has pockets. Producers need pockets.

What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
I used to be OBSESSED with 'Doctor Who'. My dad introduced the new series to me when I was younger and I was hooked (even though some of the episodes legitimately gave me nightmares).

I had all the DVD boxsets and would religiously rewatch them while continually hoping that the TARDIS would whisk me away for some adventures.

If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go?
Honestly, seeing the world before humans got a hold of it would be pretty fascinating.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?

Probably a garlic chicken stir-fry – easy, but still tasty enough to be impressive. The recipe legitimately states to use six garlic cloves (instead of a recipe recommending you use two and you ignore it and put six in anyway).

What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
Indecision is worse than a bad decision. I am a bit of a textbook over-thinker and the fear of making the wrong decision used to take so much of my time. Now at least if I make a bad decision, I can actually use my time to try and fix said bad decision, rather than running every scenario in my head “just in case. . .”.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows. . .
Unfortunately no juicy goss here – I’m pretty much an open book.

Are you happy with your work-life balance?
Work-life balance is always tricky in the creative industries, but I am pretty happy with it at the moment. It’s all about turning off email notifications insert pray hands emoji here

How do you define success?
Not eating an entire bag of Doritos in one sitting? I would probably define success as when your actions have a positive impact on someone or something else, in whatever positive format that may be. That’s broad and vague enough right?

What's your spirit animal?
I’m far too white to answer this in a cultural sense, but I did just take a Buzzfeed quiz and apparently I’m a shark?

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