Ben Wakelin - scenestr of the day

What do you do? First and foremost, I am an artist manager as well as an aspiring event organiser, and I dabble in creating abstract/ experimental music. I'm also on the communications team for the World Cube Association, a non-profit organisation that sanctions Rubik's Cube speed-solving tournaments across the globe.

Why do you do it? I believe there is so much talent and creativity in Melbourne that doesn't always get the representation it deserves. As someone who loves different kinds of art and music, I believe it's my responsibility to do what I can to assist these artists in reaching their goals and potential.

What do you love most about the city you live in? The social diversity is something I very much admire about Melbourne. There has been an overwhelming growing acceptance for all different kinds of walks of life. This is great as it promotes people to be who they want to be causing this city to never have a dull moment.

Where did you go for your last holiday? The last big holiday I went on was in 2019; my younger brother Tom, my Mum and I went on a two-week trip to Japan. We went to Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo. It was an amazing experience.

What's your favourite item of clothing? Without a doubt my favourite item of clothing is my battle vest that I made myself; it features many patches of bands and albums that I admire and listen to almost daily. As a metal head, I love DIY clothing and other stylistic aspects within the subculture.

What was your favourite TV show as a kid? I absolutely love 'The Simpsons'; it was always a bit of light-hearted fun to sit back after a long day of school.

If you could travel back in time for a day where would you go? I would go back to when I last saw my uncle before he passed away. I would love to be able to show him all the amazing things I am doing; making him proud is big reason I work so hard.

If we were coming over to your place what would you cook us? I'm not the biggest cook in the world, but I love to make spaghetti bolognaise. It was probably one of the first things my dad taught me how to cook. So I've probably had the most practice with that dish.

What's the best lesson you've ever learnt? Life is supposed to be hard sometimes, learning from it and pushing forward is what makes a strong person.

Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody knows? That's a hard one. I try to remain as open and honest as I can. I would say a guilty pleasure of mine is that there's a few hyperpop albums I very much enjoy listening to such as 'Witchpop' by Siouxxie Sixxsta and anything from Yung Lean.

Are you happy with your work life balance? No haha. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to working, I always strive to do more and always feel guilty when I'm not up to much. It's something I need to keep working at.

How do you define success? Simply being content and comfortable in life. As well as having financial independence and freedom.

What's your spirt animal? I would say a bird. I've always found them very intriguing creatures and admire the freedom they have, flying through the sky as they please. Very cool animals.

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