Why do you do it? Music, people and puzzles. I have always had a passion for working with and around creative people. I discovered very early on that my skills were tuned to helping artists establish a business structure around their art.
What do you love about the city you live in? I just recently moved to Ocean Grove in Victoria because my partner got a job down here, and I'm pretty much online for everything work related.
I absolutely love it here! It's a small beach town with an absolutely wicked main beach and lovely community. Melbourne will always be home but for now, especially with lockdowns, a bit of seaside living can't hurt.
Where did you go for your last holiday? Can't imagine answers to this one are all too exciting these days. We flew up to Sydney last year in the middle of two lockdowns. It ended up being the most spectacular weekend and we saw 'Hamilton', which was definitely the highlight.
What's your favourite item of clothing? Anyone who knows me (and probably a lot of people who don't) will know I wear this ratty Strange Talk t-shirt as a pyjama top.
Gerard (from the band) and I used to live together in LA and our apartment was full of their merch. When I was lazy I would just pull a top out and wear it – unfortunately I don't have that luxury anymore, but this one has stuck with me.
What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid? Far out! I think I was just glued to Nickelodeon when I was really young. Special shout out to 'Monkey Magic' though.
If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go? I never met my grandfather on my Dad's side. I was told he owned the first kosher butcher in Cairo, Egypt. I think that'd be a pretty hectic place to land up.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? So much pressure! We'll keep it safe – some chilli-fried prawns for starters, then gourmet sausages and steaks with some hearty salads.
What's the best lesson you've ever learned? The first tour I ever worked on, the Production Manager said to me: "I have zero advice on how to make it in this business, but make sure you take everyone's opinion with a grain of salt." That really stuck with me.
Tell us one thing about yourself that nobody else knows. . . I have become much less closed off as I get older. I think something I do want to put out there is the importance of prioritising mental health if you work in the music business. I ignored mine for such a long time and now try to share that story with as many young up-and-comers as I can.
Are you happy with your work/ life balance? I am now. It definitely took time. It also really depends on how you define your work versus life – I think they can both take on very different forms for different people.
How do you define success? You know those goosebumps you get when you're doing something you're passionate about? If I had anything to do with creating that moment then that is success to me.
What's your spirit animal? A panda for sure.