It was a special night to witness the king of shred, Yngwie Malmsteem, in Adelaide (HQ Complex 12 June) to give those music and guitar fans exactly what they came to see.
There were, however, a few glitches which happened with Yngwie’s wall of Marshal amps (they had been hired). This turned the gig into a show with jokes being told by the bass player (which seemed to get worse as the night wore on) and making Yngwie frustrated every time the amps didn't work. But hey that's rock & roll for you.
Click here for photos from the show.
Yngwie Malmsteem ripped through guitar riff after guitar riff, showcasing his magnificent skills. Everyone was hypnotised by how fast his fingers moved up and down the fret board while also witnessing him move around on stage as if it were on fire. His playing that was surreal.
The amp issues may have caused many to left the stage – and perhaps left the building – yet Yngwie battled on on as the more he continued, the more the fans wanted.

With every tune, fans participated with fist pumping while belting their lungs to their most loved songs; it was a very intimate scene for not only Yngwie but for the diehard fans as well.
With a performance lasting more than 90 minutes, despite the technical glitches, Yngwie proved no matter what the situation is, there's no problem too great that will stop the show.