The idea of a sophisticated wine lounge popping up within a six of The ‘Gabba may come as a pleasant surprise for those who enjoy some casual drinks on the out-skirts of the city.
Finding its home in one of our trendiest neighborhoods, West End, LOFT is transforming the space once home to Uber into a quieter more intimate, boutique-style wine lounge.Gone are the days of university students on a night out and on to the relaxed local folk who can afford the higher drinks prices and enjoy quality food and beverages in a classy but chilled environment.
Jim Davies, the visionary behind Loft, has modeled this new venue on a desire to provide for the evident lifestyle shift that is moving towards a more community minded culture in West End. “We have captured the beating heart of Loft by taking cues from locals, and the West End way of life – just as bars in New York listen to their local tribes, he have as well,” said Davies.

Instead of the corporate glitz of Brisbane's mega clubs, Loft is going for a low-key summer vibe, seating 150 people into an open-space with an antique garden, an onslaught of hanging greenery and an open deck set above Boundary Street.

Expect only the best, with a vibrant Cocktail and Wine List, mixed together by one known for his art, Matt Hewitt and a wide range of crafted beer to cater for the beer specialists. This culture of speciality is promised to be mirrored with a high level of gastronomy incorporating the tapas-style eating of a tasting menus and sharing plates that has swept through popular bars and restaurants throughout Sydney and Melbourne.