This week Kristy Apps and the Shotgun Shirleys will exclusively pre-release their new self-titled EP to the pledges who helped fund it.
The six-track EP, which will be available to the public in September, was funded in full through crowdfunding on Kristy describes the entire recording process of this album as being different from her previous releases. "It's a little bit more country… Back to more folky roots, and there’s a lot of space in it. It was all recorded live which I've never done and always really wanted to, so it was very interesting to do that. I can feel when I play live that I'm most interesting, so it was really familiar, and I think it sounds better for it."
After the full public release in September, Kristy is excited to embark on a national tour with the Shotgun Shirleys. "It's just being really focussed on music [when you go on tour]; not having the kind of responsibilities that go with your everyday life, having the time off work, and just being able to really have that luxury of feeling like a musician 24/ 7 for a couple of weeks is really amazing. It gets you in that zone and I find that’s probably where the creative juices start flowing as well because you're sort of not stifled by the everyday crap that’s going on."
While she defines herself as more of a songwriter than a performer, Kristy finds the stage relaxing in an almost meditative way. "My favourite thing about performing is there's no other place where I am as in the moment as when I'm on stage… that's where I feel the most like me. Music for me has always been a solid journey and that’s probably actually why I really love this new outfit, The Shotgun Shirleys, so much. Because as much as it's sort of still my music, it’s really collaborative and the girls that I play with are such amazing musicians in their own right.”
For Brisbane fans too eager to wait for September to see Kristy perform, don't despair. Later this month, she’ll be performing at Vulvapalooza, a mini-fest of live music, cabaret, DJs and visual art celebrating the talent entwined in the ladies of Brisbane.
Written by Darcy Stephens
Kristy Apps plays Vulvapalooza at the New Globe Theatre Friday June 27.