Watch Justin Timberlake Destroy A Heckler

Justin Timberlake
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

It's impossible to criticise Justin Timberlake.

The guy's entire career is something of a show business anomaly — he was in a boy band, he took part in Nipplegate, he makes shitty movies like 'Runner Runner', and yet he always gets a pass (and a Jay Z co-sign). There's too much love out there for him, and he's too good at what he does, for haters to take a clear shot. 

But it doesn't stop the occasional heckler from trying. During a show in Philadelphia on February 23, a member of the audience gave him the finger, and Timberlake's response is worth watching.

"You got second row to flip me the bird?" he hilariously shoots back. "That makes no fucking sense."

The bird-flipper responds that they were just trying to get his attention. Timberlake then invites the entire audience to raise their own middle digits, just in case they felt the need to get his attention, too.

"That's also the weirdest moment I've ever had with a crowd," he laughs. "Thank you!"

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