Want Zex The Punk-Canadian Style?

National Music Editor, based in Brisbane, Australia.
'Passionate about true crime docos, the Swannies, golf and sleep, I’ve been writing about music for 20-plus years. What I’ve learnt? There’s two types of music – good and bad.’

Formed only last year, but with a zest for the punk life, Ottawa natives Zex are already making friends everywhere they travel.

Researching the band, there isn't much information for an intrepid, Australian fan to discover. So, can you tell us about Zex?
Jo: I can tell you what you already know! Zex is shrouded in mystery! Well, perhaps the lack of information would be attributed to being about a year old. We played our first concert on May 17, 2014 here in Ottawa.
Gretchen: Sex with a zing. I'm here to scare you and wear your skin.

The punk scene in Ottawa; can you school us on your local scene?
Jo: There's all kinds of bands in the punk spectrum and there's not as much a divide as in larger cities. Even hipsters will come to punk shows sometimes. Maybe less in the last year or two. Bands of note would be Asile, Durs Ceours, Mother's Children.
Gretchen: There's always room for more studs.

What do you enjoy, draw from the '70s-era punk that you incorporate into your own music? Or are influences overrated?
Jo: We're into the Australian stuff like Rocks, Radio Birdman, The Saints, but also into glam and hard rock like Skyhooks, The Angels (who's records are known as Angel City here in Canada and quite easy to find), Rose Tattoo. The concept of Zex is to mix any influences together. The formula is to be catchy. Otherwise, we're really not trying to fit any mould whatsoever.
Gretchen: Anything's possible. Our personal influences will always play a part in our song-making, but if you want to stand out you definitely have to put your own swing to things, which we try to do.

As a female-fronted punk band, do you still battle stigma from within the scene?
Jo: While we totally expect the whole 'show me your tits' attitude from asshole guys at shows, what's most disappointing is other women who are involved in the punk scene saying things like 'She dresses like a slut. I hate her.' etc.
Gretchen: I get a lot of shit for the way I look and sound. I take the good with the bad quite well but it's pretty disappointing when people can't look past the physical. We're all outcasts, tired of being treated unfairly based on our appearances and preferences. Tired of being stereotyped and cast out simply for being who we are. I enjoy who I am and don't apologise for it. I get asked all the time to "be careful of what you're wearing", "you can't do that" at this show and that show. I've even been told by a promoter “just don't show your vagina or nipples”. I didn't have any intention of doing so, but I can tell you I DEFINITELY wanted to after I was told not to. Don't be ashamed of who you are, show it or don't. It's no one's business but your own. FTW.

What's the best fan-related band story you can tell us?
Jo: On our last tour, people where really into piercing themselves with our metallic pins that we where selling. One guy did both his ears while on the sidewalk and another hammered one through his nutsack using a machete! The things people will do when you got a camera!
Gretchen: In Albany, NY there's a woman that wanders into shows named Val... if you ever play there ask Chris Lawrence for her number. You'll get it when you meet her.

Tell us a bit about your last album, 2014's 'Fight For Yourself'?
Jo: Well our last was also our first! It was recorded in May 2014 and was released in the late summer as a split release between Uncle D Records, which is a new label from Ottawa with bands like Goat Horn, Flying Fortress, Cross Dog and our very own label, Capitalicide Records. It has also been released on tape by Voiced From The Inside (Ukraine), Rotten Leather (Columbia), Capitalicide (Canada), Basement (Malaysia) and Anarkopop (Indonesia). Licensing the album on tape is a great way to distribute the album worldwide. Also the album is being re-pressed by us on vinyl again and is also being re-issued by American label Magic Bullet Records as well as a CD edition.

As someone who lives 40 years after the birth of punk, what is the essence of punk that appeals to you?
Jo: The idea that one can be his/ her own person without worrying what the rest of the world thinks. Striving for Autonomy in every daily facet of life. It's 24/ 7 rebellion. It's lifestyle anarchism. That's what appeals to me.
Gretchen: I enjoy a challenge.

What's the punkest act you've ever witnessed?
Jo: You'd expect that I'd answer this question with an anecdote of someone drunkingly doing a dangerous stunt while not caring for the consequences, but the punkest things I witness are someone taking several days cutting, folding, glueing 7-inch jackets or attending anti-war marches or figuring out how to grow vegetables in your backyard.
Gretchen: When I was 15-years old I was hanging outside a venue hanging out with some totally-whacked chaos punks; a cop car came down the alleyway unexpectedly and one of the girls for some weird reason had a pumpkin and ran up and smashed it all over the cops windshield while everyone jumped up and down and cheered. As a 15-year old I thought that was the coolest shit I had ever seen. What I find to be the punkest act of all now is when a person works hard to help support bands. By either helping book shows, posting flyers, sharing new bands music with friends or even simply just showing up at shows and showing support. Without people like that there wouldn't be a punk scene. Oh, and wearing studs is cool too. Punk act #1.

After a show, how do the members of Zex entertain themselves?
Jo: Ideally, by going right to bed! Why can't shows be during the day?
Gretchen: Bring me Cliff Bars and I'll be your best friend. No Nuts please.

If you could turn any world figure into a punk, who are you choosing; why?
Jo: I really don't know 'cause I don't idolise anyone. Niel DeGrasse Tyson? David Suzuki? Angela Davis? Ronnie James Dio?
Gretchen: Alf. I don't know why, but Alf.

You're headed to Australia later this month; what's on your bucket list that you really want to cross off?
Jo: Swim in the ocean and not get bit or stung by any strange insects!
Gretchen: I plan on riding in a kangaroo pouch while high-fiving a koala bear. Also, while getting in a knifey-spoony competition.

Tell us something you've heard about Australia that you're pretty certain is false?
Jo: Returning boomerangs are made to be caught. That seems quite hard to me.
Gretchen: Probably something about kangaroo pouches.

Zex Tour Dates

Mon 23 Feb - The Bearded Lady (Brisbane)

Tue 24 Feb - Black Wire Records (Sydney)

Wed 25 Feb - Croatian Club (Newcastle)

Thu 26 Feb - The Old Bar (Melbourne)
Fri 27 Feb - The World's End (Adelaide)

Sat 28 Feb - Black Goat (Melbourne)

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