Ukulele Death Squad's Second Once In A Lifetime Opportunity: German Tour Diary July 2024

Ukulele Death Squad in Germany - image supplied
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Decisions, decisions! 'I will not take no for an answer,' the email read.

It was late 2023 and our eight-piece band was still recovering from our July-August European tour. We'd all quit our jobs for that 'once in a lifetime opportunity', only for a second 'once in a lifetime opportunity' to unexpectedly arrive six months later.

Last year, music came first but with most of us having commenced new 9-5 grinds and study loads, the invitation to play Rudolstadt Festival in Germany, one of Europe's biggest folk festivals, wasn't sensible, despite it being a great opportunity to promote our new EP.

Pink, our Berlin-based booking agent, was adamant he wouldn't take no for an answer, but thinking we should play it safe financially, we replied: 'Sorry Pink, no.' We returned to civilian life, touring firmly placed on the back burner.

'I WILL NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER!' This time Pink's assertion was capitalised, so we knew he meant business. After an emergency Zoom meeting, we responded: 'A THOUSAND TIMES YES!'

As a self-organising, self-publishing and self-producing band, saying 'yes' meant a mammoth amount of work with minimal money and time. Thus, we activated Ukulele Death Squad - The Company.

Ukulele Band Structure

We jolted into action, churning through tasks in a white-hot panic. In three short months we finalised our EP 'Baby Don't F... With Me', shot a music video for 'Hands Tied', designed new merch (including a tee with a kangaroo, shamelessly pandering to international audiences) and hosted three fundraising gigs in Melbourne, Newy and Sydney.

All on top of tour-prep and adult human responsibilities, at the 11th hour, we were granted relief from the weight of our financial stress – a Creative Australia international touring grant. Ukulele Death Squad (and all eight of our big personalities) were headed to Germany!

Day 1 - filming at the Berlin Opera House

After a 27-hour flight from Australia to Berlin, we'd planned to have a relaxed rehearsal in Kreuzberg to recuperate and get in the zone for our seven gigs in ten days. NOPE! Too sensible!

In a random turn of events, we were snuck into an Opera House by an American videographer, reminiscent of Jesus, and a 'goofball' sound engineer, for a day of live recording. When I say, "we snuck in," UDS doth not 'sneak'. We bicker and guffaw as unsophisticated giggle-gerts; we enter the Opera House, heaving mounds of costumes and musical equipment.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" We discovered we didn't have permission to be there! Our resident goofball had to appease his disgruntled colleague before circulating the upper echelons to kiss some rings to allow us to stay. He returned with a cheeky grin, announcing the only rules are to "have fun and don't say sorry".

Berlin Opera

We filmed in a gorgeous lobby drenched in golden light from stain-glassed windows and a glorious grand piano. We planned to record three tracks, but next-minute we'd been there TWELVE HOURS and had filmed a complete set.

Satisfied but exhausted, we boisterously exited the way we'd entered – even pushing through a door labelled in red, 'KEIN AUSGANG. Tür mit Alarmanlage'; suddenly the fire alarm was blaring!

Day 2 – Berlin tour launch

Our Berlin show was an incredible launch to the tour and warm welcome back to the kind German audiences at the historical Kesselhaus venue. We performed the best onstage musical exorcism we've ever done, with Matty and Ash drawing on their experiences as clergy during 'Dance With The Devil'. We were suitably warmed up for the main event – Rudolstadt Festival.


Van life / band life

At each leg of travel, we pile in the van and complete a scaled 1-5 well-being check-in to bring awareness to our energy, pressure points and occasional need for delicacy. After some downtime, inevitably, the cacophony rises.

Halfway to Rudolstadt, an in-vehicle factory line commences to organise our t-shirts by size, print and colour. "I'm rolling, you label!" "I'm on quality control. . . this isn't good enough! Send it back!" Car sickness, be damned, those t-shirts were rolled and ready for the merch-ravenous crowds of Rudolstadt.

Day Off Kessel

Day 3-4 at Rudolstadt Festival

Expectations seldom match reality, but no amount of positive expectation could have prepared us simpleton Aussies for the scale and magic of Rudolstadt Festival. The festival subsumes the medieval town – the castle on the hill keeping watch as frivolities trickle through the cobbled lanes, through the market square, to a large riverside park.

Our first gig is up the hill, at the base of the imposing castle. We'd planned to get food but were so hypnotised by the charm of the festival that we forgot ourselves and follow the magnetic pull, ascending the hillside to the main stage. Word got out about the rowdy Australians and by the end of soundcheck, an exuberant crop of punters had amassed.

Rudolstadt Castle

Pre-show routines

We're often asked about our pre-show routines. For the eight of us, it's very personal, with Rudolstadt being no exception. Reuben combs his immaculate chest hair. Julian attempts to find, re-lose and re-find every item he's ever owned. Ali B must gently kiss both cheeks of every band member. Pidge individually wishes each of his fingers 'good luck'.

Ash oils her bone whilst maintaining eye contact with anyone foolish enough to meet her intense gaze. Ignacio stretches, contemplating if it's too late to move into modelling. Silky finds any dog within a 1km radius to pat brashly. Matty readies his clarinet. Being new to the instrument, he's a HUGE 'squeak risk', but you gotta have a go to get a go!

Silky doggo Rudolstadt

Rudolstadt – castle show

The stage was much larger than the Aussie bowling clubs we're accustomed to, but our diva-instincts kicked in and our performance unfolded like wings on an eagle.

The polite German audience was writhing in their seats until Julian offered sweet release: "We will stop playing unless you stand and dance!" The audience was eager to oblige, dancing with us until the last frenzied chord. The whole set can be heard here.

Rudolstadt – Emergency Show

Day two of Rudolstadt and we were out of sorts upon arrival to our biggest gig at the Market Place stage. Julian had lost his hotel key and wallet, and Ash was sneezing uncontrollably as hay-fever took hold.

Stagehand (read: Hero) Robin saw our distress and aided us by traversing the medieval metropolis for Julian's lost items and antihistamines, returning before a worse disaster struck.

We soundchecked as crowds and clouds alike gathered ominously. Suddenly, the Stage Manager ran out, a hard hat having appeared on his head, yelling "EVACUATE! Take cover!" We rushed with the dampened throngs into the Rathaus (town hall) as the sky unleashed a vengeance.

Assuming our set time was cancelled due to severe weather, but ravenous for the dopamine fix that is performing, we commenced a spontaneous, raucous acoustic set in the town hall hallway, whether the moist Rudolstadt rain refugees wanted it or not! Like old times, we belted out our favourite tunes and did limbo under the trombone slide.

Emergency Show

Rudolstadt - marketplace show

As the rain and sun fought for dominance, we received permission for our show to proceed on the rain-soaked stage. In the storm panic, we were half-dressed with instruments askew, but we hustled to start the show.

Then, during a spirited rendition of 'Baby Don't F... With Me', Matty slipped hard into a puddle, but as punters gasped after his welfare, he snapped back up and transformed the fall into an epic death drop and kept on singing. With a backdrop of thunderous applause that rivalled the weather, we cheekily crept back onstage for a selfie with the biggest audience we'd ever played to.

Rudolstadt Market Place

Exhilarated, we hugged side of stage until Pink beckoned us for a shot of whiskey. As we raised our triumphant cups, Pink gleamed: "See?! THAT is why I couldn't take no for an answer!"

Pink The Band Rudolstadt

Day 5-10 German Journey

Rudolstadt, the climax of the tour was over in a glorious blink but will remain a highlight of our collective musical careers.

We played more wonderful shows: a stupidly hot and sweaty show in the 'Sexlisch' city of Frankfurt; an sensual showcase in Göttingen; we enjoyed a sunny day off riverside in Kassel; Waldstock Festival in the forest; and a packed club in Augsburg, where we debuted three songs just for sh.ts and giggles as we concluded an amazing 2024 German tour for Ukulele Death Squad.



Authored by Ash Randell and Matty Barker

Photos supplied by Kasia Lukasiewicz, Aaron Jack, Judd Burgess, Harald Capek, and Schubladenfrei Magazine

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