Top 5 Worst Comebacks

John Farnham has made more than one comeback
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Just when you thought you were safe, The Rusty Datsuns' take heed from some of your favourite ‘90s bands... and are making a comeback!

With the three members having been separated in the time-space continuum for the past nine months, the universe has realigned their paths for a very brief moment in history allowing them to make a welcome return to their home turf of West End. Here they list their top 5 worst comebacks.

1. Rugs A Million comeback tour always and forever. WHEN WILL THEY ACTUALLY BE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS??!! How can I trust anything, in a world so full of lies and cheap rugs? I rest my case.

2. Five Star's comeback tour. I didn't know of this band before, but their story is hilarious. Five Star was a brother-sister duo in the ‘80s, who was managed by their dad. Their comeback tour sucked so hard that both of them quit, and their dad ended up hiring complete strangers to lip sync their songs on stage.... Bit awks.

3. No Doubt comeback tour in 2009 that didn't feature any new music. Apparently, Gwen Stefani hadn't written any new music because "instead of writing, I just ate all the time". Fair enough.  Procrastibaking and eating the sweet fruits of that un-labour is pretty much my favourite thing, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna plan a massive comeback tour and play a sum total of zero new anything.

4. Meatloaf comeback tour in 1993. You probably didn't know about this one. That's probably because you've already wiped Meatloaf from your mind altogether, let alone his reappearance on the music scene, like the embarrassing old guy who shows up at a high school party the morning after, pours beer all over his face, makes out with someone's mum and pisses in the pool, all the while yelling “party's here, guys!” Ugh.

5. John Farnham. We all know that Johnny needs to change tense: "You were the voice, try to understand it." Hell, he can still wear a cheesy black tux like no one's business, though.

The Rusty Datsuns make their comeback complete at The Bearded Lady on Sunday 14th September.

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