Marcello Milani, lead singer of Toothfaeries has lung cancer.
The devastating news was made public yesterday following the launch of a GoFundMe page.
Milani has received major surgery and and now faces the prospect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment. He is unable to work and is recovering from an infection in his lungs so he can receive more treatment.
The Toothfaeries were a permanent fixture of the Brisbane scene in the 1990s while festival appearances included Woodford Folk Festival and later Island Vibe in 2014.
GoFundMe organiser, Deb Suckling, said, "At this stage we know he won't be able to work in the immediate future. Illnesses like these are tough, lonely - and costly. The 'faeries were always so generous, playing brilliant music and giving their time for free at benefits and weddings when people needed their help. And now March needs us.
"Any funds you can give will support Marcello through the coming months. And also let him know how much his music and his voice have given to all of us - joy, positivity, purpose and the gift of looking at the bigger picture in life. I don't think he realises how many people care about him and what he has done for us.
"We really want to help Marcello and his family receive support and to take as much stress out of the challenging months ahead. It is our time to nurture them with generous financial support."
Marcello Milani Go Fund Me page is here.