This Is Getting Embarrassing. No McCartney In Adelaide After More Shows Announced Elsewhere.

The Beatles were swamped in Adelaide in 1965
Founder and Publisher. Based in Brisbane.
Howard started Scene Magazine in 1993. Paul Keating was Prime Minister. Whitney, Janet and Mariah all had Aussie #1s and Mark Zuckerberg was 9. He (Howard, not The Zuck) likes Star Trek and a good Oxford Comma – way too much fun at parties.

Paul McCartney's promoters have announced even more shows for his late-2017 Australia tour but still no Adelaide.

Sir Paul announced his own tour dates on social media last month and the original tickets weren't even on sale to the general public when further dates were announced for Sydney and Melbourne.

Cities outside of the big two are used to being ommitted from a tour for a variety of logistical reasons notaby highlighted when AJ Maddah advised Perth couldn't sustain Soundwave festival and then subsequently Adelaide ahead of the brand's unceremonious and fatal axing ahead of the 2016 dates. Brisbane, too, has had its fair share of "it's not you, it's us (actually it's really you)" ommissions over the years.

Right now, a number of Australian and international bands have elected to give the City Of Churches a miss in 2017 – this despite Adelaide's status as a UNESCO City Of Music and the city's robust live music scene which will explode later this month with the second incarnation of Umbrella: Winter City Sounds, after last year's runaway success.

With few exceptions, cities are ommitted because it's not financially viable to play. Seems legit. But what of Sir Paul. Is his impressive stage show and entourage so massive that it's not viable to bring it all to Adelaide? Is a pared-back version of the show a possibility? How many punters would make it all work out? 10,000, 20,000, 30,000? Adelaide could do that. They did 350,000 fifty years ago.

Paul isn't The Beatles but he's a living legend. And if Adelaide can't support a McCartney gig, well, that's embarrassing. But the question is "for whom?".



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