The Smith Street Band @ Max Watts Melbourne Review

TSSB at Max Watts Melbourne 16 June, 2016
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Tonight (16 June) has a different feel to it than my usual.

This could be due to the fact I've never seen The Smith Street Band live before. Nonetheless, I'm excited to focus the next four hours on an array of local Australian talent.

Opening band, the Jess Locke Band, are a female-fronted trio from Melbourne. This hidden gem within the indie-rock scene didn't disappoint, giving the audience an upbeat and solid performance of spacey chords and catchy smiles.

Jess LockeJess Locke Band - image © Carl Neumann

Second support was quite a weird fit into tonight's bill. Joelistics came out and stunned the confused crowd with passionate bars and hip hop techniques.

JoelisticsJoelistics - image © Carl Neumann

Halfway through his set he brought out his friend Jess (Jess Locke band) to perform a song with him. He also got The Smith Street Band out to perform a song near the end of his performance.

Click here for more photos.

Luca Brasi, a pop-punk Tasmanian four-piece, came out to a packed-out crowd at Max Watts. With full support, there were crowd surfers flying everywhere from start to finish, fists pumping in the air as they played. This didn't let up till they finished their set.

Luca BrasiLuca Brasi - image © Carl Neumann

With everyone rowdy with excitement it was finally time for The Smith Street Band. Christmas lights draped over the drum set and amps gave it an ambient vibe and something unique. Upon starting, the crowd erupted in a mix of joy and happiness.

Smith Street.3TSSB - image © Carl Neumann

The lyrics reminded me of someone telling a story, all believably close to Will Wagner's heart. He told us the origin of how the name 'The Smith Street Band' came to be and also thanked all the local support for the support tonight.

Smith Street.2TSSB - image © Carl Neumann

Humble, and as sweaty as can be, he couldn't stop smiling while performing. Not even an injury he incurred in Adelaide the week prior could stop him moving. Angus Young-like dance moves and the possibilities of playing tomorrow in a wheelchair (like a modern day Axl Rose) were all ways around the injury, just so he could perform for everyone.

Smith Street.5TSSB - image © Carl Neumann

Finishing with 'Young Drunk', Will told us yet another story, showing that all his lyrics hit home and can be relatable to any person in the audience. There was a great bond between the floor of fans and The Smith Street Band.

Smith Street.4TSSB - image © Carl Neumann

Being a first time viewer of The Smith Street Band live, I was blown away. For anyone who has yet to see them needs to find a way, one way or another, to witness the amazing, loving and intriguing performance Will and the band put on night in and night out.

Surely the Friday and Saturday sold-out shows won't be any less of a great performance like tonight was.

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