You wouldn't think that after an intimate, but packed gig at Black Cat Music earlier in the day, The Preatures might be out of breath. But they were anything but when they started their own dance party at The Met on Saturday night (19 September).
The Preatures had this heavenly mix of emotion, rock and dance. They switched effortlessly between dancey hits that make you want to kick your knees to the air, to emotional and slower songs that make you want to grab the person next you and make out.

Lead singer, Isabella Manfredi, was showing her bandmates as much love as she was towards the crowd, which made it all seem more intimate, even if you couldn't move 20 centimetres in front of you at any given time. The greatest thing about the Brisbane music scene is that you will find a mix of fans and Saturday-nighters looking for something to do. If you found yourself at The Met on Saturday night, but you weren't a fan, I would put my money on you walking out of there a fan.
There was something different about The Preatures and the energy they brought. It felt intensely engaging; all I wanted to do was dance. But it didn't seem like I danced for too long. That's what happens when you see a band that doesn't make you want to check your watch.
Towards the end they finished with a new song, saying that they want to play: "Music to stop you from thinking". It felt a bit wrong to put so much into a high-energy concert to end on a slower song, but they made it work and they made a fan out of me.