The Naked And Famous: LA Story

The Naked And Famous
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Don't ask Alisa Xayalith about Hollywood.

Mere mention of The Naked And Famous' relocation to LA a few years ago conjures up some rather idyllic notions; pages from William S. Burroughs and Hunter S. Thompson fall open, scenes from any number of ’90s indie movies flicker to mind. The more you dwell on the people, the places and the lifestyle that a band living in LA must engage with and inhabit, the more envious you begin to feel.

Well, according to the band's frontwoman, you can put your envy back in its box and forget it. “When people ask me about my experience of living in Los Angeles and making the album I say that I'm working. I haven't experienced some Hollywood-esque lifestyle, but people are so quick to assume that I [have].”

The Naked And Famous may just be the hardest-working New Zealand band outside of New Zealand. The outfit is essentially on a permanent working holiday, with the word ‘holiday’ remaining permanently in brackets. This is a group of incredibly driven young individuals, determined to make their mark on the world stage before their moment is up. Kiwis shouldn't worry about shipping The Naked And Famous offshore, either. The move to LA has informed and strengthened the cohesiveness of the outfit.

It's undeniably that cohesiveness that has also kept the band's cultural identity intact. “I don't think losing our identity has ever been an issue. Living in Los Angeles we feel even more alien. We're a bunch of Kiwis living overseas, and we're Kiwis no matter where we go. That type of cultural identity has never wavered, it's always been the same. It's probably the accent that stands out [the most]! We're not patriotic in any way. I think just the fact that we're all from New Zealand causes us to stand out even more.”

One of Alisa's most prized possessions is the writing relationship she’s cultivated with guitarist Thom Powers, a dynamic upon which a great deal of The Naked And Famous’ foundations find their footing. Listening to the band’s 2013 LP ‘In Rolling Waves’ you can hear the pair bouncing ideas off each other, with each sweeping harmony making way only for a juxtaposition of crashing sound. “When you first start out making music with somebody you've got to have bands that you love in common, and Thom and I had a lot of bands that we loved. Thom and I have been writing together for such a long time, six or even years, that writing feels second-nature. I don't even know what it is, but I hope it goes a long way.”

Given the length of time the pair have been writing together and the countless sleepless nights they've put into developing their collective craft, it’s understandable that Alisa's hair stands on end when a journalist tells her that The Naked And Famous are an overnight success. (For the record, I was not that journalist.) “[This is] definitely something we've had to work for. It's kind of a ridiculous thing to look at bands that have all-of-a-sudden become popular and say that they’ve had a quick ride to success. Tom and I have been writing together for about six or seven years. We’ve been doing this for a long time. It really rubs me the wrong way when people assume that we’ve become popular overnight. It's really not the case! We've worked our butts off, we're the type of band that doesn't mess around. For example I don't think we could have fit any more shows into the last three years. While most people stop touring to commence writing on their next record, even while we were on tour we were writing material for 'In Rolling Waves'. We're a hard-working band, and hopefully that shows.”

The rigorous touring schedule that Alisa and her comrades continue to pursue has also taught the lead singer a few lessons. Lessons like how to take care of yourself, and how taking steroids before a show is actually quite unpleasant. “Health is the absolute number one priority to maintaining a tour. When somebody is sick it is just the absolute most difficult task to do things that you would normally do. The minute somebody is sick and can't play their instrument it's over. I've been pushing myself to the very end, where it gets to the point where I just don't talk to anybody until I need to sing. I remember being so unwell I had to call in a rock doctor and get steroids injected into me... that was just the worst thing that could have happened. But it happens to a lot of singers who are just starting out.”

The Naked And Famous Tour Dates

Wed 30 Apr - 170 Russell, Melbourne VIC
Mon 05 May - The Hi-Fi, Brisbane QLD
Sun 11 May - The Astor, Perth WA
Tue 13 May - The Metro, Sydney NSW

And will tour as part of Groovin The Moo Festival:

Fri 25 Apr - Groovin' The Moo @ Oakbank Racecourse, Oakbank SA
Sat 26 Apr - Groovin' The Moo @ Maitland Showground, Maitland NSW  
Sun 27 Apr - Groovin' The Moo @ University of Canberra, Canberra ACT
Sat 03 May - Groovin' The Moo @ Prince Of Wales Showground, Bendigo VIC
Sun 04 May - Groovin' The Moo @ Murray Sports Complex, Townsville QLD
Sat 10 May - Groovin' The Moo @ Hay Park, Bunbury WA

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