James Murphy Forms Metal White Stripes

Igor and Max Cavalera
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Former LCD Soundsystem frontman James Murphy has had a vision.

A vision of a metal band reminiscent of The White Stripes, fronted by Ex-Sepultura brothers Igor and Max Calavera.

Taking into account Murphy's discography (and even his recent work with previous production work with the likes of Arcade Fire and Yeah Yeah Yeahs), his desire to produce a hardcore metal album seems a little mismatched — but Murphy is certain of the band's success.

Murphy is so assured of his vision, in fact, that he's cut two of the members that compose the brothers' current band, Cavalera Conspiracy.

“He basically asked me to get rid of the rest of the band. Cavalera Conspiracy has four members and two records. Murphy asked us to start from scratch as a duo,” Igor says.

“The last time my brother and I played together as a duo was back home, when we were still teenagers learning how to play in our bedrooms. I had some pieces of an old drum and he had his guitar. This new project feels as though my brother and I are coming back home, 30 years later.”

Murphy has also promised Igor that 'this will come to be the heaviest record of [their] careers' – a strong statement to make and almost impossible to ensure.

But with Sepultura having sold over 20 million records worldwide, we kind of have to take their word for it, don't we?

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