The Foundry To Take Temporary Hiatus

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

After a successful launch on 6 March, Brisbane's newest, live venue, The Foundry, will close briefly.

The team behind The Foundry are disappointed to report that the 300-person live room will take a temporary one-to-two-month hiatus as they work through technical issues that arose during the venue's launch.

Bookers for the venue are working hard to make sure as many of existing shows as possible can be moved to other venues around town and announcements will be made about those shows very soon. The Foundry team are doing everything they can to make sure the venue is back, better than ever as soon as possible.

An update about the re-opening and second coming of this great music venue will come very soon plus an exciting announcement detailing a further expansion of The Foundry brand. It's business as usual for The Foundry Studios on level three of the building with works almost complete for industry tenants to move in.

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