The Doctor Who Mixtape Is Here

Doctor Who
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Adam WarRock has carved out his niche in the hip hop world by rapping about the things he loves — incredibly geeky shit.

The Memphis MC — also known as Eugene Ahn — has previously released tracks and mixtapes devoted to everything from 'Firefly' and The X-Men to 'Downton Abbey', and has become something of an internet phenomenon in the process. He's gotten glowing notices from Wired, The AV Club, Time, Spin, SF Weekly, BBC America, Buzzfeed and Escapist Magazine, as well as pop cultural giants like Nathan Fillion, Brian K Vaughan, Edgar Wright and the cast of 'Parks And Recreation' (all of whom have inspired WarRock tracks).

But there's one beloved franchise that WarRock never could get into — 'Doctor Who'. In 2011, he released a track called 'I Have Never Watched An Episode Of Doctor Who In My Life', based on the fact that he had, you know, never watched an episode of 'Doctor Who' in his life.

It quickly went viral, but since then, WarRock has sat down, immersed himself in six seasons worth of 'Who' magic, and recorded a mixtape about it in secret. The result is 'The Doctor' EP, a free mixtape that WarRock has literally just released for free on his site.

Listen to the previews above, and then download the tape at Fantastic!

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