The Daughter Of An Iconic Rocker, Mahalia Barnes Own Brand Of Soul-Funk Is Equally Intoxicating

Mahalia Barnes & The Soulmates play 2020 Sydney International Women's Jazz Festival.
National Music Editor, based in Brisbane, Australia.
'Passionate about true crime docos, the Swannies, golf and sleep, I’ve been writing about music for 20-plus years. What I’ve learnt? There’s two types of music – good and bad.’

A career musician who first landed in the national spotlight as a child – remember The Tin Lids – Mahalia Barnes has built an imposing resume.

Whether as a backing singer for the likes of Joe Bonamassa and Johnny Diesel or fronting her own funk-soul musical beast The Soul Mates, Mahalia's back catalogue is impressive reading.

Oh, and you've probably guessed this already; Mahalia is the daughter of iconic rocker Jimmy Barnes. Her pipes certainly give it away!

Ahead of her appearance (with The Soul Mates) at the Sydney International Women's Jazz Festival next month, Mahalia discusses performing live under COVID restrictions, her bountiful garden of veggies and a fear of rodents.

You've managed to play a few live shows lately; it must be a joy to be back on a stage, entertaining?
It's been amazing to be back on stage – even though it's a little different under restrictions, it's still a live show. I love playing live and I really missed that connection with the audience and with my band.

What can we expect from your SIWJF performance?
We have a slightly more stripped-back show than we would have done before COVID, but it's going to be full of soul.

I'm really enjoying getting to explore slightly different versions of songs and playing around to suit the restrictions. We will play a heap of our songs from various releases as well as a few favourite soul tunes. It'll be a lot of fun.

You played recently in Darwin with your Dad; given 2020 that must've been a surreal moment to be able to travel and perform?
It definitely felt surreal! The strangest part was how normal things were up there. They haven't really had any cases and therefore don't have all the restrictions we have become used to.

So aside from how strange it was to leave our home and get in a plane etc., it was weird and a bit disconcerting to see everyone hugging, pubs and bars full, no social distancing etc., but the gig was great fun.

Have you been working on any new music; anything you can share with us?
I've been doing a few little bits and pieces; haven't gotten an album together but there may be something released soon.

Your experiences performing with Joe Bonamassa; that must be an absolute hoot getting to be part of that band – both in the studio and on tour?
It's incredible, such an honour getting to work with him. He's so good. Such an incredible guitarist and hard working artist, but has also become a close friend.

I love working with him and have been so fortunate to get to play some of the best venues in the world with Joe. I also love that I get to do that with two of my best friends and favourite singers: Juanita Tippins and Jade MacRae.

Your recent Facebook post about nature in your garden, front yard; amazing photos. Are you an avid green thumb?
I used to live in a Redfern apartment and didn't even have a balcony. We even killed succulents.

Since moving out of the city we had to learn how to look after plants and it's been awesome. We now have all sorts of veggies, herbs and fruits growing in abundance, and an amazing garden with all our favourite flowers.

I couldn't help drooling over another FB post, where you showcased your baking prowess with all manner of delish-looking cakes. You could open your own bespoke cake shop. Could you have another career as a baker if the music stuff doesn’t work out?
I love making cakes! I've always loved baking. It's definitely a passion of mine – maybe something on the side haha!

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party?
I don't know. . . I'd like to have a huge dinner party and invite more, but today, I'll say Aretha Franklin, RBG, Rosa Parks. All amazing and inspirational, pioneers, game changers.

I'd have plenty of questions to ask all of them and I'd love to cook and feed them as a way of showing my gratitude and respect for all they have done.

Do you have any phobias... please explain?
I am terrified of rodents. They just freak me out. I'm not scared of snakes or spiders, but mice or rats.

My favourite app at the moment is?
Hmm, I don't know. I try not to be on my phone anymore than necessary. I do lots of work on the phone and try to stay off it other times.

I guess Instagram. I love being able to communicate with people and see my friends and family's updates in this time of closed borders and physical distancing.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why?
South of France somewhere – why not! It is so beautiful and I love the food and lifestyle. I'd love my kids to have the language and experience life there as I did when I was younger.

Or NYC, I love it there. I find it such an exciting and inspirational place. You really can do anything there. But I really love where I live. We are so lucky to be in this beautiful country.

Mahalia Barnes & The Soulmates play Sydney International Women's Jazz Festival at Mary's Underground 6 November (two shows). Tickets are on sale.

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