The Beyoncé Soundboard Is Everything

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Because sometimes, you just need to hear Beyoncé say 'watermelon' over and over again.

We're not sure which genius is responsible for the Beyoncé soundboard — appropriately dubbed 'Soundboardt', in honour of Beyoncé's bizarre pronunciation of 'Surfboard' — but we do know that it is our new favourite thing.

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If you don't spend the rest of the day toggling between options like 'Bow Down Bitches', 'I Woke Up Like This' and 'This Ass' while making prank calls to your friends as if you're living in an era when people still used their phones to make calls, then we just... we just won't feel like we know you anymore.

[Via Pitchfork]

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