Taylor B-W Is Boldly Embracing The Bright, Vivid Tones Of '90s Pop With A Cheeky Smile

Taylor B-W has released her debut EP 'BTW TBW'.
National Music Editor, based in Brisbane, Australia.
'Passionate about true crime docos, the Swannies, golf and sleep, I’ve been writing about music for 20-plus years. What I’ve learnt? There’s two types of music – good and bad.’

An emerging pop artist from Sydney, Taylor B-W's path to her debut EP 'BTW TBW' began half a decade ago and encompassed her own personal journey to a healthier mental mindset.

Born into a musical family (her father is Dragon's lead singer Mark Williams, but more on that later), Taylor's parents also laid a solid foundation for their daughter's future, nurturing her creative desires while also maintaining she complete a uni degree – as "a 'backup' plan".

Once it was time to dedicate her life to music, Taylor knew she wanted to embrace the shiny, bright, bold, vibrant, nostalgic tones of '90s pop to express herself while sharing some of her own personal tales of empowerment.

"My mental health has plagued me since I was young and being able to open up about it through my music has unleashed a whole level of freedom I never thought I'd be able to reach – it is empowering," Taylor shares.

"Thankfully, the topic of mental health is no longer taboo, so I hope to encourage those who feel like they cannot voice their own struggles, to go ahead and speak up."

To create her ultimate tribute to the sounds of '90s pop, Taylor enlisted the help of Sydney-based producer Liam Quinn (Rita Ora, Lime Cordiale, Peach PRC), with the result being the six-track EP 'BTW TBW'.

As your debut EP, did you have a distinct idea of the kind of songs you wanted to present on 'BTW TBW' given the collection of material on the EP was written across a six-year period?
Originally, when considering releasing an EP, I knew that it had to close a chapter of my life. Mentally, the past decade was a tough one for me – I've gone down many paths to get where I am today.

Although my journey for a healthy mind continues, I think the biggest upheavals in my life so far happened within these last six years. Therefore, once I finally began to collate the songs for my debut EP, I wanted the main theme to be about mental health. Because that is my biggest obstacle and a huge part of my own growth.

Given the extended length between writing the songs featured on 'BTW TBW', how did you create a sonic familiarity that linked the tracks together as the one collection?
A lot of these songs were only acoustic demos for a long time. So, with the exception of 'Mirror' (which was first produced in 2019), the tracks were collectively produced within a similar time period (2020-2021), when I had established the direction my sound and brand was going – '90s music vibes!

I am extremely nostalgic for, and inspired by, '90s music and pop culture – I think it is one of the best musical periods of the 20th Century. So I went into the studio with that musical direction in mind, which, in turn, created that sonic familiarity on my EP.

Working with producer Liam Quinn on the EP; how integral was he to piecing together and shaping the songs to the final product?
Honestly, I couldn't think of a better producer to work with for the tracks on this EP – he was so integral in creating the nostalgic sound I was after.

From the first day we worked together, it was fire! He is so efficient and versatile. I would begin by sending him a playlist of reference tracks for one song, then enter the studio with another list of specific ideas I had, and he would just run with it.

We worked really well together. Plus, a really nice guy too! Liam made the whole experience seamless.

Were there any specific moments during recording that stick in your memory where Liam suggested an idea or tried something left of centre that resonated deeply with you?
I specifically remember when we were working on 'Walk On Fire' that Liam wanted to bring in a pianist to record the keys and a violinist to play the string parts, instead of just using MIDI instruments and plugins.

My realisation that Liam believed in 'Walk On Fire' enough to want to make it extra epic and special, with such a full orchestral sound, really humbled me. It was a true honour to be able to work with such esteemed musicians on one of my own songs.

What do you hope listeners will receive/ take away from listening to 'BTW TBW'?
I hope this EP is a friendly reminder that is it okay to not be okay. This world is in constant turmoil, so it's important to make sure that YOUR individual world, whatever that may be, is settled and stable – hopefully, my EP can help provide a shoulder to cry on when it is not.

I also want listeners to learn that pop music isn't just surface deep. I pride myself on writing deeper lyrics that peek out from under a shiny surface, revealing more than what first meets the eye (or ear in this case).

Lyrically, you deal with a number of sensitive subjects including your own mental health and related experiences, while you're passionate about wildlife conservation ('Tears Of Coal'); how crucial personally is it for you to process your own range of emotions, turning what could be a negative into a song that could inspire others; or using your platform to highlight causes close to your heart?
Hugely crucial. Listening to music helped me through the darkest times and the happiest of times.

I am grateful to also be able to express my own emotions in a creative way. It is so cathartic. And if I am able to help or inspire even just ONE person, then everything I've been through, and everything I write as a result, has been worth it.

Influences (vocally as well as musically); who has/ does inspire you; and do non-music items spark you creatively?
As mentioned above, the '90s are a HUGE inspiration for me, musically and vocally. In terms of a particular artist, one is at the top of the list: Michael Jackson. The ultimate King.

Other than him, off the top of my head (in no particular order): Kimbra, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Billie Holiday, orchestral music, Vera Blue, Radiohead, Genesis Owusu, Rosalía, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Finneas, Lana Del Rey, Sevdaliza, Janis Joplin, Tove Lo, Bjork, SWV, Stevie Wonder, Prince, Jacob Collier, Billie Eilish, Christina Aguilera, Nina Simone, Tina Turner, Judy Garland etc etc etc.

A wide range, I know, but each artist/ band has served their purpose in helping to create my own musical vision.

Outside of music, I am extremely passionate about wildlife conservation and animal welfare (I am, in fact, a qualified zookeeper), and this is a topic that I carry into my lyricism as well.

How was the EP launch show at Bootleggers last week? How'd the crowd respond to the new material?
Oh em gee – one of the craziest nights ever; I am still buzzing from it! We played to a sold-out crowd at Bootleggers, and the energy was wild. I had followers new and old there, and it was so dope to see their reactions. People really responded positively. . . oh heck, enough with the modesty – they LOVED it!

You have an October tour through NSW including a number of regional centres as well as a stop in Canberra; when it comes to life on the road do you fully embrace the randomness and controlled chaos that touring brings?
This is my FIRST tour – I'm nervous but excited. I have been performing for years, but have never organised something to this scale.

Wait, what do you mean by 'randomness and controlled chaos'? Should I be worried? Just kidding – I'm hoping I will be as prepared as can be for whatever is thrown my way!

Playing shows in places like Wagga Wagga, Bathurst and Blue Mountains; how important is it for you as an artist to make a concerted effort to visit areas that usually don't host music acts from the city?
I was very lucky to have received funding from Create NSW for this tour.

My biggest objective when applying for this grant was that, by touring regional NSW, I would be assisting regional NSW music venues in reinvigorating and rebuilding their live music scenes after their hardships caused by COVID-19 lockdowns, the recent bush fires and floods. There is a thirst for live music again, and I want to be a part of it.

You also host regular Twitch sessions with your fans; does that feed your own creative fire being able to engage with listeners in such a direct manner while also showcasing your personality?
Heck yeah – Twitch is all about personality, while also showing off what you do best.

It is a lovely community that I am expanding on, and it is wonderful to be able to directly engage with people from all over the world. It makes me want to keep on doing what I do, so, yes, it definitely feeds the creative fire.

Musically you've grown up in a family surrounded by music; how nurturing was that childhood to your own music making and have those bonds carried over into your adult life with a supportive family?
Thankfully, my parents nurtured my creativity and presented a colourful musical foundation to build upon (almost all the influences I mentioned above are because of them).

However, they still made me go to uni after school, just to have a 'backup' plan, as that was something they never had and they wanted to give me that opportunity (I majored in music, of course). But music has always been the gel that firmly holds everything together, and I'm grateful to have parents who help me in whatever way they can.

My Dad (Mark Williams from Dragon) and I have grown incredibly close over the years through music. The deep bond began when I 'twisted his arm' to accompany me at my first competition, Emergenza, singing my own songs acoustically for the first time ever in public.

When I won the Australian title, Dad and I went over to Germany to perform my songs at the international finals (coming fourth overall and winning Best Singer). This was a very special experience for us and ever since then, we have been performing together at my acoustic shows, on live streams, or he has joined me and my band up on stage.

He is a huge part of my musical journey and I am beyond grateful for his support and love for me and my music. I honestly could not do any of this without my parents.

What's next for you musically once you've completed the NSW tour?
I'm so excited for some downtime to write, collaborate, create new sounds and explore different musical directions. Also, I'm going to launch back into expanding my knowledge of production as that is something I'm quite passionate about. So expect more music to come your way.

Thanks for your time; anything else you'd like to add?
Please keep supporting Aussie pop independent artists – we don't get enough credit, but we are just as hard working as other genres. And please have a listen to my EP, 'BTW TBW'.

Taylor B-W 2022 Tour Dates

Thu 13 Oct - Sideway Bar (Canberra)
Fri 14 Oct - Que Wagga (Wagga Wagga)
Wed 19 Oct - The Joker & Thief (Central Coast)
Sat 22 Oct - The Victoria (Bathurst)
Sun 23 Oct - Bootleggers (Blue Mountains)
Fri 28 Oct - 130 Art Studios (Wollongong)
Sun 30 Oct - Newcastle Hotel (Newcastle)

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