Spotlight On Capital Waste Pictures

Liam Somerville (Capital Waste Pictures) filming DEM MOB during 'Soul Of The Lion' shoot.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

With 18 major award categories that are voted on by industry members, 2023 South Australian Music Awards spotlight the diverse and incredible local talent on display within the state.

"South Australia is at heart a creative state and the music talent coming out of this state is incredibly exciting and I don't envy the panel of independent judges this year," shares Music SA CEO, Christine Schloithe.

"MusicSA is very proud to host these awards each year on behalf of the South Australian contemporary music industry and we wish everyone all the best in all categories."

Read the list of 2023 SA Music Award nominees.

We'll be profiling a number of this year's nominees with our Spotlight On series, that continues with video artist and cinematographer Liam Somerville of Capital Waste Pictures, who is nominated for Best Music Video for 'Soul Of The Lion' by DEM MOB.

After completing a Bachelor of Digital Media Arts from University of South Australia in 2010, Liam went on to form Capital Waste Pictures where he has created and collaborated on music videos, video installations, feature films, documentaries, television commercials, VR games, dome projections and live visual experiences.

As a cinematographer Liam has many Director of Photography credits including the feature-length documentary directed by Madeline Parry, 'The Angels: Kickin' Down The Door', which opened Adelaide Film Festival 2022, and the doco series 'VIDEO NASTY: The Making of Ribspreader', co-directed by Liam and Matt Bate of Closer Productions.

What's the elevator pitch version of your 2023 so far?
The 2023 world is a pretty wild place to live in, especially as an artist in a time of rental crisis, climate disasters, racist policy makers and internet addiction. I am privileged to work in this field and share my short time on this planet with so many interesting humans.

Biggest moment creatively you/ the band have had in 2023?
I was privileged to perform live visuals with DEM MOB onstage at WOMADelaide this year. It was awesome to witness the fellas do their thing again; like every show they play, they had the crowd in their hands. It is always special to be part of a show that sounds sick, but has a deep message as well!

Being a creative, artist, musician can be a lonely existence, so what does it mean to be nominated for a South Australian Music Award?
I do spend a lot of alone time with my computer making digital works, but I wouldn't say creating is a lonely experience. I am chatting and working with other people all the time, I am blessed to collaborate with the other artists from all mediums.

To win a SA Music Award is a lovely pat on the back to say 'keep going', it's a glass brick to put in my studio to say 'oh, this old thing' to guests and if I take this award home it will be my second award for filmmaking – now making me a 'multi-award winning artist'.

Fast forward to the awards ceremony; if your name is read out as winner who are you mentioning-thanking in your speech?
If I am lucky enough to take home the award I am first and foremost I am thanking the fellas of DEM MOB; they opened their world and hearts to me making this video and it is an adventure I will remember forever.

I also want to thank all of the folks in the small town of Pukatja in the APY Lands who lots of the kids from the local school, friends and family came out to star in the video. Thanks so much everyone.

How can folks best support independent musicians-bands?
The best way to support musicians is go see shows, buy a shirt and probably most of all go up to them and let them know how much they mean to you. Personal connections made at live shows are so much more valuable and meaningful than numbers on a social media application.

2024 is just around the corner; anything special you're brewing in the background you can share?
Who knows what next year holds!? I have some large-scale projection pieces coming up in the Fringe Festival early next year and one day I might finish this VR game I have been working on for years, 2024 might be the time! Other than that, eat good food, get underwater as much as possible and collaborate with interesting people.

The 2023 SA Music Awards will be staged at Woodville Town Hall (Adelaide) on 8 November.

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