Soundwave 2015 is only a month away, and it’s turned out to be a diverse head-kicker, which in metal terms is a damn good thing.
Pretty much all forms of metal are covered compared to last year's screamer feast. We’re given classic metal, pop metal, alternative rock, screamer, hardcore, thrash and even glam. I for one have a hard time working out exactly which stage to get to at what time. I’ll be photographing and interviewing bands on the day, so I've done what one should do and booked-in to the Melbourne and Sydney shows, along with all the Sidewaves. That’s right kiddies; I’m a SW junkie! [Ed' note: he's a damn good bloke as well, folks]
I do have some gripes and some internal music industry 'he said, she said bullshit' and I could try to expose some of them. Although, won’t as that’s the nature of the beast and some beasts need to be left alone. However, I will state there seems to be some creatively, shifty work, from a certain record company, to get their bands locked into late arvo and evening shows; while pushing, some probably more deserved bands, to earlier spots in the day.
For example, Killer Be Killed is slotted in at 2:40pm on stage 4. But, KBK charted in Australia at #47, which in today's climate is excellent for a metal band. Not only that, I have seen more press about them than any other band for some time. There is chatter all over the net about them, which made one assume they had secured a definite place on the main stage, at least just before sunrise.
I spoke to Greg Puciato from Killer Be Killed (and The Dillinger Escape Plan), and he diplomatically stated: “I would rather play at night time. Rock & roll is a creature of the night; it’s not meant to be played through the day. I would rather play a small stage at night than to play on a big stage during the day." Perhaps they will have a Sidewave of their own… hint, hint… just saying.
Here’s the draft 2015 Soundwave bill

In addition to releasing the much-anticipated timetables, AJ Maddah shouted a last-minute addition to the bill - the supergroup Terror Universal, which consists of current and ex-members of Soulfly, Machine Head and Ill Niño, though it’s not certain which members as the band perform in masks and don’t uncover just who is hiding behind them.
One more gripe I would like to get off my chest is that Judas Priest and Dragonforce are not playing in Melbourne. Apparently it’s because there wasn’t a 2,500 seater venue available at the time. But Melbourne is [arguably] the artistic and even metal capital of Australia - surely a venue could have been found even if it was bigger than JP could fill? Last time Judas Priest came they played at the 14,820 capacity Rod Laver Area. Obviously, a lot less punters will come to a Priest show due to the Soundwave shows, but at least something could be done to please cult Priest fans; even if it’s a really small venue and the price was pumped up so the bands got paid.
The thing about metal fans is they're the most diehard fans of any genre, on earth. If they can see an arena band like Judas Priest play in a dingy little venue they will love it, and possibly pay the earth for it.
One of the greatest ideas, thought of by an AJ twitter fan, was an area where 'the oldies' can relax. Let’s face it, not all music lovers are spring chickens and an afternoon nap, especially on a Sunday, is often on the cards. On the back of the stellar idea, AJ has announced an over 30s 'comfort zone' where we, the old farts, can rest our weary legs and tired feet.

#SW15 Comfort Zone meeting w site staff Monday afternoon. Will tweet from meeting to get your feedback. We'll design this fucket together! — AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 15, 2015
More Sidewave shows have been announced with rumours that more will be announced soon.
The full list and 2015 Soundwave dates now are
Incubus + Antemasque + Le ButcherettesWed 25 Feb - Forum Theatre (Melbourne)
Fri 27 Feb - Enmore Theatre (Sydney)
Smashing Pumpkins
Mon 23 Feb - Festival Hall (Melbourne)
Wed 25 Feb - Hordern Pavilion (Sydney)
Tue 24 Feb - Festival Hall (Melbourne)
Thu 26 Feb - Big Top Luna Park (Sydney)
Judas Priest + Dragonforce
Tue 24 Feb - Enmore Theatre (Sydney)
Thu 26 Feb - Eatons Hill Hotel (Brisbane)
Slash feat. Myles Kennedy And The Conspirators + Steel Panther
Tue 24 Feb - Hordern Pavilion (Sydney)
Thu 26 Feb - Festival Hall (Melbourne)