Soundwave Ticket Refunds: Safe

Soundwave Refunds Are Apparently 'Safe'
Founder and Publisher. Based in Brisbane.
Howard started Scene Magazine in 1993. Paul Keating was Prime Minister. Whitney, Janet and Mariah all had Aussie #1s and Mark Zuckerberg was 9. Over 30 years he's overseen the growth of scenestr magazine to become Australia's largest – and only national – street press while forging a digital-first imperative for the title in the mid-naughties. He's judged more battle of the bands than he cares to remember and proud of the myriad media partnerships the company has earned across the music, arts and comedy sectors. He likes Star Trek and a good Oxford Comma – way too much fun at parties.

The ticketing agency holding Soundwave festival funds from ticket purchases has finally promised to refund tickets.

Eventopia issued a statement late yesterday advising "Refunds will be returned in full to the original credit card that the tickets were purchased with. Customers should expect their refund to be processed within 21 business days of submitting their request."

The announcement is an about-face from its position on Friday which was Eventopia had advanced funds to Soundwave to run the the 2016 festival, and that when Soundwave returned the funds, refunds would be made.

That statement was met with a social media tirade which included anger, PR and legal advice from irate fans:

Your agreement with Soundwave is irrelevant in terms of refunds. Your agreement with us, your terms and conditions that we agreed to that clearly states that you issue refunds in the case of a cancellation, is the ONLY thing that matters. Give us our money NOW. Whether or not you paid AJ is your problem, not ours. In the meantime, pay up and don't make out that refunds (which we will get from you) is somehow dependent on whether or not you get you cash back from AJ (which is about as likely as me headlining Soundwave next year). It's not. I've got other shows I'd like to see, so pay up, the cash will come in handy paying for said shows.

YOU are responsible! Our contract is with you and as you are point of sales, you are 100% liable for refunds. Even if you gave SW an advance, you still need to refund ticket holders - with or without your own money. Stop trying to worm your way out of it and palm the blame onto SW. You've ruined your credibility with this.

Stop being faggatrons and just give us our money

Eventopia, owned by Ticketek, in turn owned by TEG Live, has now released the following, more sober statement:

Following the cancellation of Soundwave Festival 2016 on December 17th 2015, customers are invited to apply for a full refund of their ticket.

The fastest way to receive your refund to Soundwave 2016 or a Soundwave Society membership is to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. prior to January 31st 2016. Fans should include their order details, including order number, name and email address that the tickets were purchased under.

Refunds will be returned in full to the original credit card that the tickets were purchased with. Customers should expect their refund to be processed within 21 business days of submitting their request.

Please do not submit multiple requests as your refund will be processed based on your most recent request.

Submitting multiple requests may result in a delay in the return of your funds. Your patience at this disappointing time is greatly appreciated.

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