Soundwave Band Needs Your Help To Catch A Thief

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.
Finnish rockers HIM — in Australia for the Soundwave tour — need your help to catch a thief who stole a backpack from the band's dressing room last night.

The unidentified thief allegedly strolled into the band's dressing room at Melbourne venye 170 Russell and stole the backpack, which contains valuables belonging to the band's sound engineer.

"Today when our crew was doing the linecheck at the venue in Melbourne some filthy bastard walked into our dressing room and stole our sound engineer Brad's backbag," band affiliate Janne Tamminen posted to Facebook.

The bag contained "two passports with work visas to the places [HIM] will be going on this tour in South America, laptop, credit cards, driver's license, ID's, hard disks with the recordings from all the HIM shows last year".

The band (and Soundwave Festival) have since shared an image of the thief taken from surveillance footage of the venue.

ThiefThe thief, tentatively identified as 'Ciggie Butt Brain'.

You might think this isn't your problem, but who knows — if you don't do anything to help when this thief steals a backpack from a dressing room, who's to say he won't kill your uncle next?

If you can help, let the band know here.

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